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Third Person POV
The crowd cheered loudly as Asuka and Anakin were chained up. Asuka looks over at Padme, Homura, and Yumi, trying to smile in reassurance.

"Why did you come, Asuka?" Padme asked as she tried to undo her cufflinks.

"To free you four." Asuka replies as she takes out a small knife to undo her cufflinks.

"You and Skywalker did a piss poor job." Homura said, sarcastically.

Both Anakin and Asuka rolled their eyes as Obi-Wan laughs to her remark. Little did they know is that those two are also engaged.

Six creatures came out, roaring as the girls went to work on undo their cufflinks. Once they were freed, they turned around and used the chains to climb up to the column.

"Just relax. Concentrate." Obi-Wan advised Anakin as the beasts were getting closer.

"What about the girls?" Anakin asked.

Obi-Wan glances over at the girls, smirking slightly. "They seem to be on top of things."

Anakin looked over at the girls, smiling proudly at Asuka as she sat on top of the column, thinking on how to use the chains as weapon.

Asuka squealed in a panic as one of Nexus crawls towards her. The second one goes to Padme. Two strange creatures that remind Asuka as dogs went to Homura and Yumi. She sighs as she went smacking with the chain. The chain hits it hard in the eye, causing it to fall. Not before scratching her hard in the back. Then, did the same in the front.

Asuka screamed loudly in pain before smiling as she notice the beast laying on the ground.

"Son of a bitch!" Homura yelps in pain before stabbing the dog beast several times, killing it. She was scratched in the back. Her red hoodie is torn but she takes it over and tie it around her waist. Leaving her wearing her black sports bra and red sweatpants.

Yumi screams in pain as the second dog creature scratches her in the front. Her back is completely scared. Her pants have been turned into shorts but yet, she was still able to fight. She stabbed the creature to death.

Asuka looks down and groaned as the Nexus got back up and start circling the column.

Suddenly, her fiancé came riding on the reek out of nowhere and took both Nexus down. "Asuka, jump!" Asuka wobbles as she stands up and jumps onto the reek. Once she landed, she gives him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"You saved me." Asuka breathes out.

"I always will, Angel." Anakin said with a smirk.

Anakin guides the creature towards Padme, Yumi, and Homura. "Guys, come on!" Asuka yells at them.

Padme jumps down first and grips on Asuka. Then, Yumi jumps and lands behind her. Then, Homura. Then, Obi-Wan ran and jumps on, making sure the girls were ok.

"Asuka, you're bleeding." Padme said as she stares at her back.

"I can say the same about you." Yumi said as she also stares at her back.

"Yumi, you're bleeding damn near everywhere." Homura scoffs.

"Force, Homura. You're even more injured" Obi-Wan looks at Homura's wounds.

"Obi, I lived. I've been through things worse than this." Homura said.

They quickly lean in and kiss. Anakin was shock by this. He would talk to him later. He notices Asuka is bleeding in the front.

"Ani, I'm fine. It's just a scratch." Asuka said.

Destroyer droids rolled out and circled the group, ready to shoot and kill them. Then, Homura spots someone up by Count Dooku.

"Look, It's Master Windu!" She declared as she saw his purple lightsaber.

They look up and saw him pointing his lightsaber at Dooku. Then, suddenly, blue and green lights up in the arena. The Jedi has finally arrive.

"Asuka! Homura! Yumi! Padme!" Hibari's voice rings out.

The girls turned around and saw their friends approached them.

"You guys!" Asuka was so happy to see them.

"Glad we arrive to the party. The Jedi has given us lightsabers to go along with our weapons. Take these." Miyabi said as she hands Asuka, Homura, and Yumi lightsabers.

"Can you handle that, right?" Padme asks Auska as she picks up a blaster.

"If I can handle a sword, I can handle a lightsaber. Come on, ladies!" Asuka yelled as the girls ran for droids. Padme shot one of the big creatures and jumped onto the thing it was riding. With Yumi by her side. Asuka followed them and jumped into the chariot it was pulling, taking down the thing that was riding it.

Homura, Yomi, Hikage, Haruka, and Mirai went with Obi-Wan and Mace, protecting them as they were blocking shots and taking down droids. Ikargua, Katsuragi, Yagyu, Hibrai, Murakumo, Yozakura, Shiki, and Minori were busying blocking blaster shots while taking droids down.

Miyabi, Murasaki, Imu, Ryobi, and Ryona were assisting other Jedi's while taking droids down. Anakin joins Asuka by jumping next to her, reflecting all of the blaster shots.

"You can't stay away from me, huh?" Asuka asked with a smirk.

"How could I, Angel?" Anakin said, causing Asuka to giggle.

Then, they were shot at, causing them to fall. They all fall into the chariot and used it as a shield.

"You called this a diplomatic solution?" Anakin asks Asuka as she was avoiding blaster shots.

"No, this is aggressive negotiations." Asuka said as she turns back to the mess they were in.

The group of Jedi's began to fall thin as they were pushed into the center of the arena. The shinobis were getting exhausted of the consent fighting.

Suddenly, all of the droids stopped shooting.

"Master Windu, you have fought gallantly, worthy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi Order. Now it is finished. Surrender and your lives will be spared." Dooku explained as he trained his eyes on Windu.

"We will not be hostages to be bartered, Dooku!" Windu declared as he stares at the former Jedi.

"Then, I'm sorry, old friend." Dooku said.

Then, the droids got ready to shoot down the remaining Jedi's, the Amidala sisters, and the Shinobi clan. Yumi and Padme were by side by side as they were getting their weapons ready. Anakin steps in front of Asuka, ready to protect her. If means he dies, taking the shots for her. Obi-Wan did the same with Homura.

Then, something catches Hibari's eyes. "Look! Up there!"

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