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Kazama's POV (Asuka)

I was about to faint once we reached the pit. Luke, Han, Chewie, Obi-Wan, and Rex were already there, waiting on speeder with the guards. The whole ride there, Jabba kept all of us closed to him, not making us do anything expect sit with him and force us to watch. 

"Jabba the Hutt has said that if you would like, he would accept apologies and your surrender now." 3PO translated for the boys to hear. 

"You tell him that we will never give him the satisfaction of us surrendering!" Obi-Wan yells back. 

"You're gonna wish you bargained with me and my sister." Luke threatened one last time. 

Jabba only laughed as he did before, gesturing for the guards to begin. On instinct, I went to move forward as Luke was being pushed off the edge. Jabba only yanked at my collar, cutting my air supply off for a second. 

I turned back and saw Luke was hanging off the platform as he held himself off. What is he doing? 

"Now!" Luke yelled, flipping over ad back into the speeder where he tossed Obi-Wan his lightsaber before pulling out his own lightsaber. 

"Ashoka!" Sora tossed Ashoka her two lightsaber before tossing Rize hers. Then, she pulled hers out and free herself. They freed us as we summoned our weapons and join the fight. Everyone on the ship starts running around, screaming and complain as we killed them to shut them up. Leia and Padme toss each other blasters as Ashoka did the same with Rex and Han before they also join the fight. Jabba was by then, freaking the fuck out. 

"Fuck!" Shiki screams out. 

We all turned around and the fighting stopped as a mysterious ship landed just a few miles away from us. We were nervous as we have a sheer thought that the empire is here. And just as we predicted, stormtroopers came out and it's chaos once again. 

"We have to get out of here! NOW!" I ordered the others. 

And that's what we did. 

Vader's POV (Anakin)

As we approached the pit, I saw a battle going on. Somewhere in the battle, I saw three blue flashes and two flashes of green. I smirked as they used it quite well against Jabba's guards in order to protect himself. I shook my head focusing on the task at hand, Asuka. 

The ship landed and the doors opened, me and my men filed out immediately igniting a spark as he once ceased fighting starting up again. My men managed to protect any shots or weapons coming my way as they quickly and mercilessly shot down anyone who tried. We walked up to the door of the ship, me using my powers to open it. We quickly moved our way up to the floor where everyone start running around in fear. 

I stalked over to Jabba as I searched for my beloved Asuka but she's nowhere to be found. I removed my hood and sending him a glare. "I believe you have something that's mine. Where is she?!" I seethed. 

Jabba only watched as he looks out the window. I did and saw her helping Luke and Sora as they were making their getaway. No, she's not leaving me again. I faced back at Jabba. "I warned you of what would happen if you didn't do as I say, now it's time you pay the consequences. Unlike you, I'm not offering any other chances." 

With that, my men immediately begin firing and killing every last person on that ship that worshipped Jabba. "I hope you realize ho the severity of your mistake." I told Jabba. Before I lift my hand, chocking that piece of shit. Jabba begins squirming around, gagging and gasping for air until I released him and he fell limp on his throne. He's now dead. 

 I raced outside to find any signs of Asuka. But once again, she's gone. 

"DAMNIT!" I screamed as loud as I can. 

This hide and seek came has to end!

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