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Kazama's POV (Asuka)

After we found a rebel medical to get Luke and Sora to, they want to talk to me in private. I bet I have a feeling what is it. I locked the door behind me as I looked at Luke's prosthetic hand to his arm. It's similar to Anakin's but covered with flesh. 

"How are you two feeling?" I asked softly as I pulled a chair. 

"We're alright, I guess." Luke answered back. 

"That's good." I sighed. 

"Can we ask you something, mother?" Sora asked. 

"What is it?" I asked, knowing it was coming. 

"Did you know-know our father?" Sora asked. "I mean, Obi-Wan said he died and that he was killed when Vader wanted you, but..." 

"Yes, he isn't dead. I was afraid this would happen sooner or later." I confessed. 

"So...Vader is our father. He told us it was him.  Is it really true?" Luke asked. 

"It's all true. And I'm gonna tell you the real truth....his real name is Anakin Skywalker. He was a great guy and the real love of my life. I loved him as much as he loves me. We were hesitant to go out with him at first because he was a Jedi and I was a Senator. In the end, our love was too strong to contain and ignore anymore. After the battle of Geonosis and right before the Clones War started, we got married. Three years later, I become pregnant with you two. Anakin was the best Jedi Knights but he wanted more and more power. As soon as I became pregnant, he begin to have nightmares of me dying in childbirth. Dreams were more like premonitions. He almost lost his mother, who died two years later and sworn that it won't happen to me. So he decided to seek out a way to save me. Someone, I mean the Emperor who was the Chancellor around this time. He turned Anakin into the Sith Lord, Darth Vader. I went to Mustafar to try and stop him with Ashoka. But he wouldn't listen and Obi-Wan has somehow snuck onboard to also try to reason with him. But he thought that Ashoka and I have betrayed him so he force chocked the both of us. That would lead the battle between him and Obi-Wan. But Obi-Wan couldn't bring himself to kill Vader because he still believes that there is some good in Anakin. Once we left, I was going in labor and was about to die like Anakin has predicted. So your great-grandpa and Master Yoda saved me, but your great-grandpa died that night. I gave birth to you two and we all agreed to spin a story that your father has died since then." I explained to them everything that has happened. 

"But you still believe there's good in him?" Luke asked. 

"Yes, Sidious didn't drive it all away from him." I sighed. 

Vader's POV (Anakin)

I let her go once again. I couldn't take her, especially after that anger she has when she saw Han, Rex, Homura, Padme, and Miyabi as blocks of carbonite. I hurt her again and I hate myself for it. I want to give her some time but I know I can't go on much longer without her. I have to get her back. And real soon. Just the feeling of her being close to me again makes my head dizzy. She's too intoxicating. I need her and I will do everything in my power to get her back again. To have her by my side once again. 

I sold Han, Homura, Padme, Rex, and Miyabi to Jabba the Hut back on Tatooine, making it very known to Jabba they're coming and not to cause no harm to Asuka. I know her and her friends are going to go there to rescue them. They're too good. 

Luckly, I informed Jabba about her and her friends so when they're arrive, he will give me a call on the comlink I gave him. For now, I'll just sit here and wait for that call.

A call that will bring back the happiness I lost so long ago.....

Kazama's POV (Asuka)

"We're going to Tatooine for a little while. Alone. We have somethings to think about and to do this on our own." Luke told everyone as soon as we finished our little talk. 

"Luke, you and Sora don't have to do this alone." Leia argued. "Plus we could use your help in tying to rescue our friends." 

"Leave that to us. Our main priority is to get them back but we don't want any of you to get hurt in the process of doing it so we're handling it." Sora told Leia. 

"Fine." She conceded, releasing a sigh. As soon as they leave, Leia walks towards the Falcon.

"We can't just here and expect them to do everything. We have to help them." Riku pointed. 

"We're not. Get in the Falcon. I'll explain the plan on the way." Leia told us. 

We board the Falcon as we listen to Leia's plan as we head off to Tatooine. 

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