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Kazama's POV (Asuka)

Once the ship was pulled completely into the station, we all realized that it was the Imperial space station, the Death Star. And the bond I have been mysteriously feeling....it was Anakin. Shit, he now knows I'm alive and I bet he's coming here right now to get me. Or kill me, either way, he's coming to get me. I need to make sure he doesn't know about our children. 

"Relax, Asuka. Everything will be ok, trust the force." Obi-Wan assures me. 

Han was quick to press a control that locked all doors and covered all windows, leaving us safe for now. "So anyone got a plan? I'm bored sitting in here, doing absolutely everything expect waiting to be caught." He exclaimed, leaning back on the controls. 

"I have an idea!" Luke yelled, jumping from his seat. 

"Be quiet, Luke! Do you want the troopers to hear us?" Katsu snapped. 

"I'm surprised they haven't heard us yet." Rex stated. 

"Sorry." Luke apologized. "But anyway, we get to get three storm trooper uniforms and three pairs of handcuffs. Me, Han, and Riku will take Chewie, Sora, and Rize as 'prisoners' to the detention area. We will be dressed as stormtroopers. One half will go and shut down all ways of security around here. The other half stays here with the droids so that way they're safe." 

"I realized I said I was bored but running into the detention area was not what I had in mind." Han told Luke. 

"That plan could work. I'm in" I said. 

"Come on, Han, we need to save a princess. Just think....she's a princess. Princesses are rich, you know. Can you just imagine the reward you'll get for saving her. Even I can't picture that much money." Sora spoke, smirking at Han. 

"Reward?" Han asked, clearly thinking about money. 

"But if you don't want to go, we under-" 

"No! No, let's go save us a princess!" Han sighed, getting up and following Luke, Sora, Riku, Rize, and Chewie. 

"I can't believe that worked." Hikage rolled her eyes. 

"It would. Now, we need to divided who's shutting down the security and who's staying here to guard the ship." I started talking. 

Vader's POV (Anakin)

My sensations were extremely heightened as I could feel her presence. She was here and now somewhere on this ship. My body ached for her as well as every single nerve inside me. I was intoxicated off the feeling of her presence. 

I stormed through the halls, properly planning an idea to rescue the love of my life and hold her in my arms again. I focused everything on the feeling, her presence, just wanting to find her. Suddenly, I felt a different presence, another familiar one. Then, another one. And this time, I felt anger and rage pitting at the bottom of my stomach and begin to boil over. 

Looks like my master was right. He can't be blind forever. 

As I changed courses, now heading towards the main meeting room, when I passed by three stormtroopers walking two young woman and a Wookie to the detention area. My eyes squinted at them as I felt the force energy around them. Something's off. 

"What are you three doing and who exactly is this? I was not informed of anybody being located on the ship yet." I glared down at the three suspiciously. 

"We ordered somebody to inform you sir, they just didn't get to you in time. They're apart of the Rebel Alliance. We're arresting the Wookie and these two Shinobi warriors under the captain's orders." One of them spoke. 

Shinobi? Based on these two girls dressed and their swords, it was pretty clear. But one of them looks exactly like...Asuka. Her force and the trooper's who was escorting her is very...strong. The second girl glared at me...with those eyes. The eyes of...Obi-Wan is glaring at me in this form of this young girl. I sat up straighter and analyzed them curiously. 

"Fine." I snapped, allowing them to go. 

They scurried away with the prisoner, allowing me to continue my way. 

"Keep an eye on those three stormtroopers. I feel as though there is something off about them." I ordered another stormtrooper as I passed. 

"Yes, my lord." He agreed. 

With that, I stomped up to the meeting room, preparing to address the situation at hand. I couldn't help but feel slightly anxious about seeing Asuka again. I wondered what she looked like after all these years. After all, I was given a gift by my master to say young and strong forever after my fight with Obi-Wan. Speaking of that traitor, how dare he betray me and tell me she had died? That I was responsible for her death? She was the light of my life, the love of my love, and he ripped it away from me. We could have ruled the galaxy together forever; me as the king and her as the beautiful queen. 

Kazama's POV (Asuka)

After we shut off the security, we begin walking out when I felt a familiar presence. No, I can't let him see me now. 

"You girls need to go, I deal with him." Obi-Wan said. 

"Just...don't let him kill you." Homura whimpered. 

"I'm not going anywhere, angel." He kissed her before we took off, finding the kids so we can head back to the ship. 


Vader's POV (Anakin)

I crashed through the entrance of the meeting room. All heads snapped towards me, immediately standing at attention. I scanned each of their facial expression, reading fear on each of them, only fueling my rage. 

"Obi-Wan Kenobi is here." I seethed, glaring at the leaders as I paced slowly around them. 

"If that's true, we will not allow him to escape." One of them spoke, trying to reassure me. I scoffed, laughing mockingly at his stupidity. 

"Not without his wife and supposedly daughter, he won't escape. That is not why he is here, General. And I know he will not be escaping without his family. Thanks for that reassuring me." I snapped, sending him an angry glare. 

"Lord Vader, I had no int-"He was cut off by an invisible force cutting off his airways. I watched as he writhed around in pain, looking for air. 

"That's enough, let him go." A leader sighed. I dropped my hand and the one I chocked started coughing. He cowered in his seat away from me in fear. I smirked at his obedience. 

"We will capture him and his family and any others and place them in prison, Lord Vader." the other General promised. 

"No, let me handle him. Focus on his family and any others they're working with." I concluded, storming out of the room. I opened my mind, allowing to use the force to search for Obi-Wan. An image of where he was on the ship popped into my mind, making my lips curl into a devious smirk. 

I quickly stomped to where he was, stopping as his presence was strong. I turned on my lightsaber as he turned around, turning his own as well. 

"So we meet again, my old friend." I spoke, darkly. 

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