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Sunlight was filtering into the school building as the children ran around the desks before their teacher arrived. At the front of the classroom, Elizabeth stood with her friends.

"Must you go!" Diana called out, gripping Elizabeth's arm.

"It's not my choice Diana, my parents believe this is best for me and my education to live with my aunt"

All of the girls looked sorrowful except for Josie Pye, who suddenly chimed in.

"Your aunt is wealthy, right?" Elizabeth furrowed her brow and nodded, unsure of what Josie would say next, "well then, hopefully you will be able to buy better dresses."

"I think her dress is wonderful" Tillie shot back. Elizabeth quickly brushed off her comment. She had learned not to take anything Josie had to say to heart. She knew the girl didn't hate her, it was just in her nature to make comments at other people's expense. Before anymore could be said about the matter, a strange girl entered the room. Diana quickly broke away from the group to address the girl.

"Look at her hair" Ruby whispered. Her voice was filled with surprise and curiosity.

"And her hat!" Jane laughed. As the friends continued to whisper, Elizabeth watched the two of them, trying to make out what they were talking about. Did Diana know the new girl? It was true that her hat was rather odd, but Elizabeth thought it was unfair to judge her before they had spoken to eachother. She watched as Moody and Charlie introduced themselves before the girls stepped forward as well. Diana was beaming as she introduced her old friends.

"This is Anne"

"It is a scrumptious pleasure to make your acquaintances. And I shall do my utmost to prove myself worthy of your friendship." Anne spoke once the girls had said their hellos. Everyone fell silent and Elizabeth shifted uncomfortably before Diana cleared her throat and did her best to clear the tension.

"Anne loves to read. And she knows ever so many big words." Elizabeth perked up suddenly, grinning at the red head girl when Josie decided to make her usual snarky remark.

"Does she use them all in every sentence?"

Before Anne could dwell on the comment, Elizabeth cut in.

"I like to read too, and write."

Ruby nodded her head from her spot besides the brunette,

"She's gonna be a writer."

"Of fantastical stories?" Anne inquired.

"Or a newspaper" Elizabeth turned to Ruby, "I may be a teacher instead"

Jane continued the conversation, telling Anne that she had seen her at the church picnic. Elizabeth didn't say anything else as the girls continued to talk. She wanted to speak up when Josie threw her insults as Anne, but she stayed silent. She was clearly an odd girl but the rest of her friends did their best to stay polite. Diana began to take Anne outside and Elizabeth followed. But she was stopped suddenly by a voice.


She sighed, there was only one person  who would call her that.

"That not my name, Charlie" She turned and made her way over to the smirking boy who stood besides Moody. Usually, the girls and the boys keep their distance from eachother. However, Elizabeth had gotten along very well with Charlie and Moody.

"Did you see the new girl?" Moody asked eagerly, once Elizabeth was stood in front of them. She nodded

"Her name is Anne."

"I think Diana still doesn't like me very much" Charlie sighed. Elizabeth couldn't help but laugh.

"You think?"

Then she turned on her heels and continued on her previous objective. When she stepped outside the schoolhouse, she immediately spotted the two girls she had been looking for. As Elizabeth approached them she heard Anne mutter something about Josie Pye not liking her.
"Don't mind her" Elizabeth called out, "she doesn't like anyone."

Diana shot her a stern look before addressing Anne once more, explaining to her how lunch time works. Eventually they made their way over to the another building.

"We have a second room for the youngsters" Diana explained as they peered into the classroom.  Upon seeing them, a young girl closed her eyes and brought her hands to the side of her face, pretending to be asleep. Elizabeth shook her head and gestured for her to turn back to the board, which she did with a laugh.

"Who was that?" Anne asked

"Lillie, my sister" Elizabeth responded as they walked, "in a year or so she'll attend class with you and the rest of the older children."

"Does anyone ever call you Beth?"

Elizabeth was surprised by the sudden change of conversation, but she didn't let it show.

"Only by Charlie, and sometimes my parents"

"Oh I think you have such a lovely name. I mean you can change it and be called Beth. Or..or Liz! and no one will think twice about it since it's still your real name" Elizabeth didn't say anything, she not never thought about her own name in such a way, but Anne didn't mind the silence coming from the girl as she continued to speak. "My name is ever so boring. And I'm stuck with it for the rest of my days, I'd much rather be named Cordelia"

Diana cut off Anne's ramblings once the three of them reached the supply room.

"And this is the supply room. You need to ask permission before you take anything, even during recess, because sometimes Mr. Phillips secretly naps here."

When the girls peaked inside, they could hardly believe what they saw. "That's Prissy Andrews and the teacher, Mr Phillips"

"Are they married?" Anne asked innocently, not quite understand the shock painted on the other girls faces.

"Oh, no" Elizabeth explained, "she's a student and he's...."

"Old" Diana finished.

"They must be making a baby." The two girls grabbed Anne to hear her explanation. Elizabeth didn't quite understand it, but it had something to do with a mouse. She wondered if Prissy Andrews would have twins two, just like Mrs. Hammond. After listening to Anne, they quickly ran back to the schoolhouse so they wouldn't be late for their lesson.

Before Elizabeth took her seat besides Ruby, she remembered what Anne had told her earlier

"Anne!" The red head turned around quickly to face her, eyebrows raised in question."I like your name"

Anne smiled and suddenly the room was filled by their teacher instructing everyone to take a seat and face the board. Anne was certainly very unusual, but she seemed so kind. Elizabeth knew that different didn't always mean bad, she only wished she could stay in Avonlea longer so she could learn more about the peculiar girl.

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