Chapter 10.

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Namjoon sat in the garden as he stared at the ground picking at the grass. He could already feel the cramps kicking in, the pack was still grieving from the loss of Bora.

Namjoon hissed as he hunched over from the pain. A pack member looked over and quickly ran to Namjoon's side.

"Are you okay?" She asked, Namjoon grabbed her hand standing up. He nodded frowning.

"Yeah, it just hurts." Namjoon stared at the female as she stared at him.

"Duri? Why're you not inside? It's early." Duri nodded, "I am not feeling well, looks like you aren't either."

They walked to the porch sitting on the staircase as they watched the sun fully rise.

"Do you have any mating plans?" Duri asked, Namjoon looked at her feeling uncomfortable. He shook his head.

"No, I'm just going to endure it, I always have. I'll be fine." Duri furrowed her eyebrows staring at him.

"You realize you're going to have to mate soon or later Namjoon. Right? You have to have your own blood carry the pack later on in life." Namjoon rolled his eyes looking at her.

"Duri, who do you think you're talking to? I think I know how to start a fucking family." Namjoon growled, Duri gulped.

"I think you should let me help you. I'm a perfect mate for you." Namjoon scoffed staring at her in disbelief.

"Are you fucking joking. Get the fuck away from me. You know damn well to not ever try anything with me of that sort." Namjoon stood up walking away, Duri stood up following him.

She grabbed his hand turning him around, he growled as his eyes flashed yellow.

"Stop. I won't tell you again." Namjoon growled out, Duri took in a deep breathe as she stared at him.

She opened her mouth to speak before Namjoon beat her to it.

"Let me make something clear for you. I took you in when you were nothing, I let you into my pack knowing damn well you didn't belong. Learn your boundaries Duri, I won't hesitate to take you back to where I found you." Namjoon said before pushing her back causing her to fall. She grunted as she hit the ground. Namjoon stormed off leaving her there.

She rolled her eyes, but she had a idea. She smirked standing up.


You laid in bed as Jimin slept beside you, you rolled over staring at him, he was pale and his skin

was like glass, so fragile and beautiful. His eyes opened a little as he smiled faintly at you.

"Hey." He whispered, you smiled at him running your fingers through his hair.

"Good morning." You whispered back, he grinned sitting up. He sighed looking over seeing the sun beaming through the white curtains.

He pushed himself off the bed as he stood up. You sat up watching him walk over to his dresser pulling out a new outfit for the day.

He walked into the bathroom as you got out of bed walking into the main hall and down to the living room.

There was already Yoongi and Taeyong sitting on the couch drinking coffee and watching TV. Taeyong looked over at you and grinned. You waved at him sitting down on the couch beside him.

"Hey, good morning." Taeyong said, you smiled looking over at Yoongi who was staring at you smiling.

"Hey." He whispered, you smiled staring at the TV. It was the news. Just regular weather forecasting.

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