Chapter 2.

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You woke up earlier than usual today, you wanted to go see Jimin and suprise him with his favorite bagel.

You got dressed and headed out. He lived out in the middle ofno where and it was surrounded by woods which was weird but it was a pretty house.

You shortly after arrived, you smiled getting out of your car seeing Jimin standing outside talking to someone.

The other figure he was talking to smiled seeing you.

"Y/n.... Hey gorgeous." You laughed walking up the stairs, Jimin rolled his eyes pushing the other male back.

"Fuck off Yoongi." Yoongi laughed before walking away. "Hey." You mumbled, he nodded before looking down.

"I am sorry about last night." You shook your head before grinning. "It's okay, I shouldn't keep you waiting. So I was thinking this Saturday... We could try something out?" Jimin looked down rubbing his palm on his forehead.

"I can't, I have to do something with my friends...." You nodded.

"It's okay, uh maybe another time. Oh here, I got you your favorite." You handed him the bag. He smiled faintly.

"Thank you." He said before pecking you on the lips. You smiled. Yoongi whistled from afar. Jimin turned around flashing his eyes before returning back to you. Yoongi walked away in a hurry.

You returned back to your car and started heading your way to work. You felt a lot better after talking to Jimin.

You pulled into the university, Jimin didn't have to teach today so you were a little upset over that, you got out of the car after parking and walked in, you had a free 30 minutes to spare before class started but you seen someone who looked familar.

"Namjoon?" You asked, the male turned his head looking over at you, his eyes lit up.

"Hey! How are you?" He asked, you laughed and nodded. "I'm okay, what are you doing here?" He smiled.

"I came to get Bora's work. She is still sick...." You frowned, "I hope she gets to feeling better." He smiled, "Thank you."

Namjoon followed you back to your room. You unlocked your door walking in and walking over to your files.

"Since we don't have computers we have to do everything on paper, it's really unfortunate." You chuckled, Namjoon grinned.

You pulled out the papers handing them to the male, you smiled as he did the same.

"Thank you very much." You nodded.

"So does Bora has the flu or something?" Namjoon shook his head. "No, she just is not feeling the best lately...." He whispered, you hesitantly nodded.

You thought of the event from yesterday, "Hey uh I seen Jimin chase you down the hall yesterday, was everything okay?" You could see the male in front of you freeze.

"Yeah! Nothing serious...." You nodded, a student walked in eyeing you two. Namjoon looked over at them and back at you.

"I better get going. Nice seeing you again." You smiled and nodded. "Yeah, you too."

Namjoon left and more people walked in the room. You had to teach soon and you dreaded it a lot.


You were exhausted, after class ended you quickly drove home and went to bed, you took a nap to be woken up by Jimin.

Jimin was standing by your bed with his eyes closed, you bolted up and his eyes opened.

"Jimin what are you doing?" You whispered, Jimin shook his head.

"Nothing, sorry." Jimin moved over to the other side of the bed climbing in wrapping his arms around your waist.

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