Chapter 20.

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It was amazing, the kiss was amazing. His lips were so soft and you were in awe as he kissed you.

His lips molded against yours perfectly as he pulled away. He smiled before you moved back in kissing him again.

You bit his lip as he kissed you more aggressively. You opened your mouth as his tongue slid in colliding with yours.

You moaned quietly as he continued to kiss you. His lips went over to your neck kissing down.

Your eyes shut as it felt amazing. He kissed your lips again as you kissed him back.

The rain poured down as you both sat there kissing. He held you close as you kissed slowly.

He pulled away once more as he stared at you heaving.

"I've been wanting to do that since I can remember." You smiled at him before kissing him again.

He smiled into the kiss pulling away, "We need to get back to the cabin. You're going to get sick." You nodded, you both stood up running to the cabin hands eloped.

You opened the door closing it behind Namjoon. He laughed as his clothes dripped.

"Hurry go change!" You yelled laughing, you ran to your bedroom stripping quickly.

You were freezing. You pulled your shirt off shivering, you smiled thinking about the kiss.

You got dressed quickly before walking over to Namjoon's room, you knocked and he opened the door.

You smiled at him and he smiled back. "Come on in." He said as you giggled.

You hugged him tightly, he hugged you back. You smiled nuzzling your head into his neck.

"I'm sorry, I'm being touchy." You mumbled into his neck, he frowned pulling away.

"No you're not, it's fine. I love it actually." He whispered. A smile formed on your face as you pecked his lips.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" You asked him, his eyes widened. You chuckled shaking your head.

"Not like that!" You yelled laughing. Namjoon shook his head grinning.

"Of course you can." He said walking over to his bed, he crawled under the blankets as you did the same.

"Today was fun.... Thank you." You mumbled turning on your side facing him. He smiled.

"No, thank you. I haven't smiled like this in a long time."

You grinned closing your eyes, Namjoon took that as a sign to turn the lamp off.

It was now dark in the room as you felt Namjoon grab your waist pulling you closer to him.

You smiled one last time before falling asleep.


"Damn we let you guys go unattended for one day and you guys already fucked? Hot damn." Byung Ho said chuckling, Namjoon's eyes widened as he looked up to see Taehyung and Byung Ho.

"What are you guys doing here so early?" He asked quickly, Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"They moved the meeting to a earlier time. Why? Did we interrupt something?" Taehyung said, raising his right brow staring at you.

You were still asleep, Namjoon gulped looking at the two other males.

"Get out, I'll meet you guys in the living room." Byung Ho chuckled walking out of the room Taehyung following behind.

Namjoon looked over at you, your leg was wrapped around his waist. He smiled remembering last night.

He moved your leg off of him as he stood up and walked out of the room.

Byung Ho and Taehyung were sitting on the couch as they looked over at Namjoon.

"There he is. Is she good in bed?" Byung Ho asked, Namjoon's eyes darkened.

"Why would you say that?" He asked, Byung Ho chuckled looking away.

"Look, we have to leave in 30. Is she coming or not?" Taehyung asked, Namjoon nodded.


Byung Ho looked behind Namjoon before smirking. You walked out of the room rubbing your eyes and you were standing behind Namjoon as Byung Ho eyed you.

"Why're you guys here so early?" You groaned. Taehyung bit the inside of his cheek standing up.

"Doesn't matter, get ready."


You and the other males arrived at the site waiting for the others to arrive.

"They're late, that's weird." Taehyung mumbled. Byung Ho looked around as you stared at the ground.

"Have you guys not ever of met them?" Byung Ho asked, Namjoon shook his head.

"Well that's probably why. We probably are about to get attacked." Namjoon stared at Byung Ho, you looked up at him scared.

"Why would you say that?" Namjoon asked, Byung Ho chuckled. "You cannot trust anyone these days and here we are in the middle of no where. These people are from a pack we've never associated with." Byung Ho groaned. Namjoon bit his lip turning and staring at you.

"Go back to the car just in case." You stared at him in shock. "What no. I'm not leaving you." Namjoon sighed.

"Please just go, just in case." You bit your lip nodding. You turned away walking back to the car.

You got into the car locking the doors as you waited patiently. Your eyes felt heavy as you tried to keep yourself awake. You laid down in the backseat as your eyes closed finally.


Jimin sat on the couch as Yoongi sat beside him. Yoongi sighed staring at the other male.

"Jimin, you're going to have to try and not think about it. It's draining you." Jimin nodded sadly as he looked down.

"I know, I'm just stressed right now. I hope you can understand." Yoongi nodded standing up.

"Let's go out tonight, we can go to the bar or something." Jimin nodded at Yoongi who smiled.

Yoongi walked away as Jimin sat there thinking, you still rested in his mind as he closed his eyes.


You opened your eyes as you sat up quickly. You looked around to see the car still empty.

You got out of the car hurriedly as you walked quickly back to where you last seen Namjoon.

They weren't there, your chest started to rise faster than before. You looked around seeing a spot on the ground.

You walked over to it, your eyes watered as you seen it was blood. Where you were at was a huge circle with trees surrounding it. You were in a forest. No one was near.

You looked over to see more blood, it was like a trail. You followed it slowly until it stopped.

You heard as noise as your head slowly lifted. Your breathing halted as you stared.

"Tae-Taehyung...?" You choked out, Taehyung stared at you as he laid on the ground blood dripping from his mouth.

"Run." Is all he said before his eyes closed. You covered your mouth. Was he dead?

You took his word though and began to run. You ran past Taehyung and farther into the woods as you cried into your palm.

You continued to run until you felt a grasp on you as you screamed. You were tugged over to the left as you felt hands around your waist.

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