Chapter 27.

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"Someone had fun last night." Byung Ho said as he stared at you.

You rolled your eyes as you looked around. Your hair was matted and Byung Ho continued to stare.

"Why do you keep staring?" You asked annoyed, Byung Ho chuckled.

"Well because, I'm just so intrigued how such a person can be so damn loud." He said as he smirked crossing his arms.

You bit your lip walking away, Taehyung chuckled. Namjoon was in the living room talking to fellow pack mates as you walked past him as he made eye contact with you.

He smirked as you walked by and down the hall to the back yard. You opened the back yard door getting some fresh air.

It looked like it was going to rain as you sat down on the porch. You sighed thinking about what Jimin said.

What if Edana actually showed up and killed Namjoon? You were worried.

A sigh came from beside you as Byung Ho sat down beside you.

You looked at him before looking away. He chuckled.

"What's going on in that brain of yours?" He mumbled. You didn't answer him.

"Hmm, the silent game huh?" He said staring at you. You rolled your eyes.

"I'm being nice right now. I could always be a dick-"

"What do you want? Why are you coming over here and asking me what I'm thinking? Why does it matter? It's never bothered you before, why would it bother you now" You said.

Byung Ho scoffed licking his lips. "Never mind then." He said as he stood up and walked back into the house.

You rubbed your forehead as you closed your eyes. You sighed as you heard the door open again.

"Byung Ho I swear-"

"Byung Ho?" Namjoon said as he sat down beside you. You looked down as he placed his hand on your shoulder.

"What's wrong my love?" He said as he rubbed your shoulder. You placed your head on his shoulder as you looked into the distance.

"I'm worried about Edana Joon. What if she does what Jimin and Yoongi said? I don't want you in danger and I feel like you are. I feel like we all are." You whispered. Namjoon sighed.

"We've been looking into it. We think Edana's pack is the one we lost Yuta too. I don't know why she wants us dead. But, I won't let anything happen to you."

"It's not about me Namjoon, it's about you and your pack. Who cares about me, you've had your pack for decades. You've been alive for so long. I can't loose you Joon." He pulled you away from him as his hands cupped your face.

"You're not going to loose me, trust me. Edana won't get us." He said as he then kissed you.

You kissed him back before he pulled away. "Let's go inside." He said as he stood up grabbing your hand lifting you up.

You both walked back into the house as Byung Ho was standing beside the door eyeing you. You looked away as you walked into the kitchen.

Min Cho was talking to Taehyung as they both looked at you. You waved faintly as Taehyung walked away. You sighed.

"Hi, just ignore Taehyung. He isn't in the best mood." Min Cho said.

"When is he ever in a good mood though." You mumbled. Min Cho smiled.

"He's kinda been worried. About some Edana girl?" You looked at him nibbling your lip you nodded.

"Yeah I've been worried about her too-" You were cut off as a scream came from the outside.

You both ran to the front door to see Edana and Jimin. A female wolf was laying on the ground as Namjoon came from the back.

Byung Ho and Taehyung followed behind him as their eyes flashed. Edana smirked as Jimin looked at you eyes glossy.

"Hello Namjoon. We need to talk." Namjoon looked at her as her fangs were visible and blood was dripping from her mouth.

Jimin looked scared as he stared at you, a tear fell from his eye.

"Jimin told me that things didn't go as planned. So I'm here to make it." She said as she smiled. She grabbed Jimin by the neck pulling him forward and onto his knees.

You panicked as you ran outside. "Stop!" You yelled, everyone's eyes fell on you as Namjoon's widened.

"Y/n no, go inside." Namjoon yelled, Edana smirked. "No Y/n, stay." Namjoon growled as Edana snapped her fingers.

Vampires came from everywhere surrounding Namjoon and the rest of his pack.

It was time, time to fight. Edana smirked as she snapped again seeing Yoongi be carried out to where she was.

Yoongi was thrown onto the ground as Jimin cried out, Yoongi groaned as he couldn't move. He was restrained.

You were shoved towards Edana as she shoved you onto your knees. You hissed as Namjoon panicked.

"What do you want Edana? Don't hurt her." Namjoon said, Edana laughed.

"I want you dead Namjoon, every single one of you. And, you know exactly why Namjoon." She said as she grabbed you by your throat. Her nails sunk into your neck as you cried out.

"Edana! Please let's talk this out! Please don't hurt her!" Namjoon yelled, Taehyung's eyes were wide as well as Byung Ho's.

Edana scoffed. "Boys, get her into the car." You were then grabbed by two of her vampires and carried towards a car. You were thrown into it as you began to cry.

The car door shut as you watched. "I want you all to follow me, trying to leave or fight will result in Y/n dead. Let's go." She said as she walked towards the car you were in.

The vampire in the drivers seat started the car as she got in, "Go." She said as the car began to go.

You bit your lip trying not to cry. But, you couldn't help it. "Please don't do this. What do you want?" You cried out. Edana rolled her eyes.

"Has Namjoon not told you? The reason why I want him dead?" You shook your head.

"Namjoon killed my sister. Jimin? He was her soulmate! And Namjoon took her away from me!" She screamed, You gulped tears running down your face.

"I want revenge, I want you dead and as well as him!" She said as she looked at you. Her direction turned back toward the road as you closed your eyes.

After hours it felt like the car came to a stop.

You were pulled out of the car as you looked around. You felt like you were going to throw up.

You were at Jimin's coven. But, the once coven you knew was gone. Everyone was dead.

There were dead bodies everywhere as you closed your eyes crying. Edana chuckled as She grabbed you pulling you towards the house.

You were shoved on your knees again as you looked up.

Namjoon and Jimin were on their knees as you looked at Namjoon, tears were in his eyes as he looked at you.

Byung Ho and Taehyung were not in sight. They must have stayed back or were killed.

You didn't know, everything was happening so fast. Tears kept coming down your face as you seen Yoongi laying in the distance.

You didn't know if he was alive or not, you could only hope for the best.

Edana held onto you as you felt her grip around you tighten.

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