Chapter 8

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The days passed like this for two more weeks, waking up early to eat, spending the day training younger recruits, North attempting to convince Bunny that Jack was going to be the end of them, eating dinner around the fire and the Jack disappearing every evening.

Jack actually really liked the council meetings in the end. Though Jamie sometimes fixed him with indiscernible looks that he didn't fully appreciate, it was really cool to see how the camp functioned as a whole. What he loved most, however, was seeing Jamie operating the radio and talking to other camps using old military code. He didn't understand it, had no idea what a "Gardening Rodeo" was, but enjoyed it nonetheless.

They had all fallen in to their little routines, and Bunny had taken to training with Jack on their lunch breaks. 

"You be the Nightmare," Jack said excitedly, raising his blunted knife. Bunny smiled at his childish face and nodded, taking up stance. 

They circled for a moment, calculating eyes fixed on each other. Jack launched forwards suddenly, throwing Bunny onto the ground with force. He rested his foot against the black-haired boys shoulder, kneeling to trap his arms down and restrict his movement. Bunny let out a surprised grunt as he hit the floor, looking up to see Jack glaring down his knife at him. The point of the knife rested against Bunny's neck, the chill of the metal sending a line of goosebumps down his arm. He narrowed his eyes, twisting suddenly and forcing Jack off him with a grunt. 

Jack fell on his side and scrambled back, arms raised defensively as he scrambled to his feet. Bunny sprinted at him, forcing him further back as he retreated, Jack's knife slicing the air deftly. He swiped at Bunny, who continued towards him, dodging every strike. Before long, Jack was pushed against the wall of the quadrant. Bunny bore down on him, kicking at a spot on his wrist that caused the knife to fall to the ground with a clatter. Jack yelped in pain, eyes narrowing on Bunny accusingly. Bunny just grinned wickedly, putting his arms either side of the now defenceless Jack. He was taller than Jack was, and watched the smaller boy's eyes widen as he looked down at him. The air was stiflingly hot, and Jack was a mix of angry and...something else. His wrist throbbed where Bunny had struck him, and a mean plan formed in his mind. 

Bunny yelled out when Jack stomped all of his weight onto his foot, pulling his arms back to grab at his injured toes. Jack seized the opportunity, ducking and rolling over to his knife. He grabbed Bunny's shoulder and spun him round, pressing his weight against the taller boy to keep him in place. They were both panting heavily, sweaty and gritty with sand. Jack trailed the knife over Bunny's jaw, whose eyes fluttered closed. The cool of the metal felt good on his burning skin. Jack removed the knife, and himself, not trusting himself to remain in that position any longer. 

Bunny scoffed at him, eyes shooting open, and shoved him backwards. Jack fell, winded and already feeling the bruise forming on his back. He screwed his eyes up in pain, feeling the anger rising in him, when he felt Bunny's weight on his legs. The taller boy had his hand on one of Jack's thighs, his knees either side of Jack's other leg. He leaned over the smaller boy, extracting the knife from his hand with ease, and used the point to tilt Jack's face towards him. Jack's eyes were clouded and half closed, the pain in his wrist and back long forgotten. 

Jack moved quickly, straddling Bunny and immobilising him under his weight. Bunny let out a very soft groan, that Jack would have missed if he hadn't been listening closely. At this, Jack let out an evil laugh and shifted, ever so slightly, so he had one arm at the side of Bunny's head and the other still holding him in place with the knife. Bunny looked up at him and scowled, reaching up his hands to rest on Jack's waist, half-planning to push him off but realising how comfortable he actually was as they were. 


"What are they doing?" Tooth asked Sandy as they watched from their secret spying spot. Sandy handed her the binoculars with a sigh. 

Avalanche ~JackBunny AUWhere stories live. Discover now