Chapter 4

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The fire had turned to dully glowing embers by the time Bunny had finished his lookout. He clambered down from the roof of the Jeep, breathing in the desert air with reverence. The stars above him were bright enough to illuminate the sand dunes, putting the whole world into a silvery, hazy glow. 

He turned, going to wake Tooth, when he was halted by the sound of muffled voices coming from in the tent. The words were indistinguishable, but as Bunny made his way over he heard North's voice becoming more heated. 

"I warned you, you ice-shooting freak!" North burst out of the tent, dragging Frost behind him by his collar.

"Seriously," Frost panicked, clawing at the hand around his throat, "I wasn't doing anything." His eyes locked onto Bunny's and filled with relief.

"What the fuck is going on?" Bunny asked, moving to pull North's hand from Frost's neck. 

"He tried to kill me," North growled.

"You are insane," Frost gasped, dusting off his clothes and stooping to catch his breath, "I was trying to read a fucking book."

"Oh yeah? Then why were your hands pointing towards me? Were you or were you not revving up to attack?" At this, North threw up some sarcastic jazz hands.

"No! Jesus! What, is a man not allowed to stretch his arms?"

Bunny laughed at this, much to the chagrin of North. 

"Don't you even start," North pivoted, glaring at Bunny with wild eyes. "You're gonna take his side over mine? Since when do we even take on new people. It's been just us four for a whole year and now because, what, you have a little crush, we have to put up with this bullshit? We have enough problems just trying to survive, we can not afford and do not want the extra work."

Bunny felt something bubble up in him. He rounded on North, eyes narrowing.

"Watch your tone, North. I am in charge around here. I call the shots. In case you'd forgotten, you would not be here if it weren't for me. Now, settle down." They were face to face by then and, despite being a full head taller than Bunny, North shrank from the ice in his voice. "We are living through an apocalypse, North. I thought you'd have learned to be more mature. I know that you're afraid, but Frost is under our protection now. If you dare insult me again like you just did, I won't be quite so understanding."

North scoffed at this, spitting on the floor at Bunny's feet and turning to wander off into the surrounding desert. Frost exhaled, whistling through his teeth, as he turned to go back to his tent. He took a few steps and faltered. 

"Hey, Bunny," he smiled, "thank you."

"Don't worry about North, Frost. He's just looking out for us. He'll warm up to you. And...uhhh...that stuff he said about me having a crush I--"

Frost cut him off, cheeks turning red, "No, no, it's okay. I don't believe him."

Bunny nodded, and they were silent for a moment. 

"I mean, I'm cool with gay people, I'm just not," Bunny said, the blood rushing to his face. Frost nodded quickly in agreement, eyes fixed on the floor. 

"Like if you were gay, that'd be cool," Bunny continued, shaking his head and cringing internally at his words. Frost nodded again, then shook his head.

"...are you gay?" Bunny asked quietly.

"No?" Frost blurted, eyes widening. 

"Okay, yeah. Me neither. Just that if you were I wouldn't mind." They both nodded their heads at the same time, avoiding each other's eyes conspicuously. 

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