Chapter 11

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"I though I had more time," Jack murmured against Bunny's shoulder. Bunny clutched him tighter, trying not to let the tears overpower him. They stood, slowly, and Jack went to walk away. Bunny grabbed his wrist before he got far, his eyes wild. 

"Fuck, Jack, please just stay a little longer. Jamie said that you had until tonight, right? Hide with me," he pleaded, pulling Jack into his chest protectively. Jack sighed. Deep down, he knew he couldn't make Pitch any angrier. He felt the ache of past bruises travel through him and he sighed again. He almost felt like telling Bunny the truth, fuck the bullshit paperboy story, but he was far more terrified of the reality. 

He let Bunny guide him to the floor again, their backs to the railings around the edge. He momentarily wished the flimsy metal would buckle and he'd die before he faced Pitch again. The moment passed, however, when Bunny turned to him. His eyes were wide and his lip was drawn between his teeth. He leaned forwards, wrapping one hand around Jack's jaw and leaning his forehead against Jack's. His eyes screwed shut and he caressed the side of Jack's cheek with his thumb, sending Jack's eyes fluttering closed. 

"Jack...can I..." he started, his breath coming in short puffs as he tried to regulate his tears. Jack nodded, biting his top lip and wrapping his arms around the other boy's waist. Bunny let out a small sob and closed the distance, his lips pushing against Jack's with a passion he hadn't felt before. It was, present in the gentle way he fell apart under Jack's hands sailing over his shoulders and down his arms. 

Bunny was angry all the time. Even before the apocalypse. Angry or sad in a never-ending cycle. When he wasn't starting fights and stealing cigarettes from the corner-store he was sobbing in his room to the latest Hozier song on vinyl. Never, in his life, had he felt what he felt in that moment. He'd had girlfriends and boyfriends and partners before, when life was normal, and he'd slept around enough to think he'd been in love at some point, but it was always, always tinted with the thought that he was just another body to them. When he thought they were getting too close he'd turn it off, never caring enough to mind when they broke down in tears. 

But Jack had a way of making him forget everything. He couldn't help recalling the verses about how, when you find the one, it feels as though you've known them your entire life. And Bunny would be lying if he didn't recoil from the thought that he might love Jack, but the facts were undeniable. His heart would stop when Jack looked at him, he'd been fighting the urge to kiss him from the second they met and he, undoubtedly, would do anything for the boy to be safe. 

A thought popped into his head. 

"Oh, my God, Jack," Bunny murmured between increasingly feverish kisses. Jack groaned slightly and broke away, resting his forehead against Bunny's once more. He looked up at the older boy through his lashes and Bunny had to stop himself from leaning in and losing control completely. "I have...I have a plan."

Jack rolled his eyes slightly, but sucked his bottom lip between his teeth and began to chew on it in a way that made Bunny...warm. 

"Jamie has like...a weird nonce crush on you, right?" Bunny continued, trailing his fingers across Jack's jaw. "So, if I were to...make him jealous or something, he'd call me up to the office, or he'd hunt me down and kill me alongside Mr. Pitch. Therefore," he continued, drawing out the vowels as he moved his lips down the side of Jack's neck, "I'd be able to take on Pitch face to face. I start a huge scene, you run out, I can get Tooth, North and Sandy to distract the guards at the gate, we all reconvene down the desert road and you're fucking free!"

Bunny's lips moved across Jack's collarbone and Jack struggled to streamline his thoughts. His eyebrows were drawn together and his cheeks slightly flushed as he looked down at Bunny with half closed eyes. Bunny sighed and drew back, against his impulses, and scanned Jack's face for any signs of agreement. 

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