A Star Is Born Not Made

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Main theme: "everybody knows you, but nobody understands you"

"we are here at the 2035 annual award shows! Here's the one and only Tord Audet! The man who acted in the film 'Star Crossed Lovers' and is an active LGBTQ+ supporter! Tell as to why you chose this role?"

Tord squinted his eyes to prevent it from getting stressed from the camera flashes around him. The microphones were around him waiting for a response. Tord cleared his throat and was about to speak when he was suddenly interrupted.

"in the film 'Star crossed lovers', is it a way to pay homage to your past co-star and are the homoerotic subtexts intentional?"

Tord's eyes darted across the room, eyeing the director of the film; the director was also bombarded with interviewers. People started asking him about his relationship with his co-star to the point where it felt suffocating.

"Were or are you in love with your past co-star Thomas Sayer? Your off camera interactions are enough to send the fans scree-e-aming!"

Tord felt a tightness on his chest when he heard his name, he tried his best to keep his composure but his breathing became shallow. A bodyguard suddenly pushed some of the interviewers away as his friend offered him a bottle of water to calm himself down.

"I don't wish to elaborate on what we had, but I can assure you that we were very close friends"
"then how do you explain this photo sets leaked by one of your crew members?"

It was a picture of him and Tom kissing under an umbrella, them holding hands on Amsterdam and a blurry photo of Tom pressed against Tord's window.

Tord turned bright red in embarrassment but there was a slight tinge in his heart that made him sad.

"those were unused promotional photos, we try to be as candid as possible to promote the film"

Tord's lies slipped through his gritted teeth as his hands balled into fists to prevent them from shaking so much.

"how did Tom's suicide affect you?"

Tord's smile turned into a scowl, sweat trickled down his forehead as his posture slowly slouched, he scratched his chin then neck and hid his face in his hands for a brief moment before kissing his teeth.

"it's a very hard thing to take but I don't want to sulk, he wouldn't want me to mourn over him everyday"

Tord cleared his throat and fixed his posture, his suave personality started to shine through again, he winked at the cameras and let out a hearty chuckle.

"dark times are over and yes he may be gone but he lives on in my heart! Now is there anymore questions?"
"do you have anything else you want to say to the fans?"

Tord looked directly at the interviewer and took the microphone, he held it to his lips so that his accent could be emphasised (a trick he learned during filming).

"stop bothering Tom's family about it, they already are dealing with grief and the stress of you all pestering them is disrespectful, also, stop going to his grave and vandalising it with our ship name nor fanart, pay respects to it, lastly, don't make spread rumours; I love you star lovers~"

The crowd started to squeal in delight, several bodyguards had to held some of the fans back to avoid them from filling up the red carpet. Tord placed his hands in his pockets and waved everyone goodbye as he walked into the main hall.

After the awarding session, Tord got off his limousine and walked inside his mansion. It has gotten a bit colder and less homey now that Tom wasn't there. Several maids removed his coat and awards; they handed him a pair of pajamas before he headed to his room.

Tord closed all his curtains and melted into his sheets, he felt so empty even though he won several awards. It even felt so insulting that they kept asking him about Tom and their relationship instead of asking him about himself.

And on twitter they continued posting about him and how they supposedly emphatised with him even though they didn't know him to that degree.

His life story was illustrated in a biography that was published last year; people were quick to baby him since they thought that he was just some misunderstood kid that grew up pretending to be bitter, he had grown as a person and yet people brush over that. Then there's people that think he's a shallow guy for going after Tom for the looks and when he explained the opposite it was seen as him trying to save his reputation. The worst of it all was the people that couldn't separate the roles he played from who he really is, just because he acted in a role where he was a perverted villain with a fetish for feet, people thought he was a creep.

Tord grabbed a glass of water to cool his head again as he read the hash tags with his name on it, he spent a whole hour interacting with his fans online before finally deciding to stop.

But now, with now social interaction to distract himself from, his anxieties started to bubble and make noise about how lonely he was.

He needed to drive this out to clear his mind, he needed to find some peace with himself.

What was the point of it all anyways? He already achieved his goal in life, he finally made it to the top, there was no reason to go on anymore, he'll just burnout eventually.

Tord opened his medicine cabinet and pulled out a random pill bottle and put it in his pocket before driving off.

He sat by a cliff and watched the stars twinkle, one of the stars glimmer Ed brighter than the other and it almost reminded him of Tom. The cold breeze blowing on face felt like kisses reassuring him that everything would be alright.

Suddenly, a cold feeling pressed against his cheeks, he opened his eyes and saw Tom wearing a dark blue cloak floating in front of him.

His neck was crooked and his skin was sickly pale.

"poor Tord, lonely at the top, everybody knows you yet no one understands you"

The pill bottle landed on his lap, Tom looked at it disgust.

"Tord I expected so much more from you"
"Tom please"

Tom started to become more opaque, Tord pulled him down to his level until they were inches apart.

"I feel so empty Tom, their praises are nothing, they just don't understand, they promise they'll stay then they leave, Tom please just"

Tord pulled Tom closer until their lips finally met. Tord's grip loosened as his body went tumbling forwards.

Thorfid Audet, a beloved star by everyone has sadly passed away, his body found at the bottom of a cliff with an unopened bottle of amphetamines. He has to jumped to his death last evening. Fans pay respects to him by placing flowers on the star dedicated for him in the Hollywood walk of fame.
Tord started his life living in complacency, but his parents had recognised his potential from the start...

Tord's mother, Aurora, was in disarray, her daughter had tried the best in consoling her but every time it ended with tears. Their house was locked with the curtains down since there was people coming over to ask them about the incident.

Aurora opened the window in her room and looked up at the sky, it was tranquil and quiet, although there was something new... There was a new star shining brightly beside another one.

Aurora sighed and closed the windows when she heard a camera shutter from a distance.

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