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"did you know that Tord wears all black to match his crush's eyes?"

Tord flipped the cuff of his trench coat and continued walking through the halls. Somehow his diary got leaked and as a teen going through their phase where everything is poetic and edgy, that was a dead giveaway, apparently its a big deal for someone as stagnant as he is.

He pushed through the cafeteria door with his elbow, the thing he was hiding in his fist was a special surprise for the most special people in the world.

Edd excitedly waved at Tord, not caring if he made a scene, people watched Tord's every move making him slouch a bit more to actually hide his face in the collar of his coat.

Tord opened his fist and out fell three small caramel bars. Those were Tom's favorites but to avoid suspicion he had to give everyone else a bar as well.

"Why do you always wear black? Are the rumors true?"

Tord raised his shoulders before sitting beside Tom, his hands started to sweat as he watched Tom take a bite of the caramel bar, a small smile appeared on his face making Tord stare more intently.

"I heard you liked someone with black eyes, because ... what a coincidence! My friend has black eyes and she likes you too!"

Tord snapped out of his daze and looked at the girl standing in front of him, both of them were wearing matching cat ears with a paw print pinned on their t-shirt. A girl suddenly outstretched her hand towards Tord.

"Hi! I'm Ronnie, but my wolf name is tiger lily, sometimes my eyes turn red when I get mad so don't make me mad"

Her friend suddenly scratched the back of her ear making her emit a purring sound, she suddenly snapped out of it and slapped her friend on the face.

"Baka! What in the name of Irene gave you the permission to do that!? Also, my ears are very real, so if you want to mate with me that's my weak spot, I'm also a bit of a tsundere"
"I'm sorry but you're not really the person I like"
"oh... You'll regret that but you're probably just weak, let's go CrystalWolf"

Tord buried his head in his hands, that was the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to him. Edd's choked laughter became an audible guffaw, he slapped the table multiple times before deciding to wipe the tear from the corner of his eyes.

"Summer Vacation is almost here, so I'm thinking before we become adults, let's make the most of our childhood"
"So what's the plan?"

Tom opened his backpack and pulled out a rolled-up cartolina.

"Edd and I actually talked about this yesterday on the bus home"
"You and Edd did it in advance?"

Matt stopped looking from his pocket mirror and raised his eyebrow, Tord shut his mouth and averted his gaze somewhere else.

"The plan is we buy industrial-sized miracle whip and you know all those slip and slides that we got each other? We'll connect that together to make a 5-meter long whip and slide at my backyard"
"but that's the finale, we have made a bucket list for the bestest summer experience"

The bell rang—lunch was over.

Tord sat next to Tom in statistics class, his pinky slightly grazing against Tom's. Tom raised an eyebrow before entwining their hands together, a smile appeared on both of their faces as the teacher continued to talk.

"and how do you solve this?"

Tom's head was purposely leaning against Tord's shoulder as he guided Tom through the problem, Tord could smell Tom's hair—lavender, he smelled of lavender not to mention incredibly smooth and fluffy.

"you tally the scores and-"

Tord has found himself in a position he didn't want to move from, thank God they were seating at the back, Tom's hands were on top of his pointing at a number while his head leaned against Tord's shoulder.

Should he text Tom? Is Tom even thinking of him the same?




Tord screamed into his pillow, listening to The White Stripes just made him feel more and more in love with him. It was possible that Tom liked him or else he wouldn't be acting that close to him right?


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