Best Friends DON'T Do That!

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~Gabby's POV~

I didn't know where anyone was, and frankly, I didn't care. Because all I cared about was James' lips on mine. The whole world felt like it didn't exist when he had his arms wrapped around my waist, kissing me like the world was going to implode on itself in, like, 24 hours. When I had my hands wrapped in his hair, pulling him closer to me, and eliciting small groans from him at the same time, it was life couldn't get any better.

Everyone else had left the small corner couch we occupied at the very back of the club, after we all did a few shots together. Everyone was trashed as of now, and I didn't even know where they were. All I know is that Jamie is yelling at the bar-tender, demanding free drinks because he's in a band, Sam and Alan had disappeared into the crowd of dancing bodies, and Leah and Austin left at 12am. It was about 2:30am now.

"Gabby, babe," James said, his sexy British accent slurred, "I'm going to get another drink. Want one?"

"Yeah, please." I replied, my eyes scanning the makeshift dance floor. The music was so loud, the sound quality was distorted. In my opinion, it sounded completely horrid, but there were people dancing out there that were more hammered than me, so it didn't matter what was playing. To them, any music was fine.

I spied a familiar ginger head mixed in with the crowd and smiled. He was slowly dancing with Sam; her head was buried in the crook of his shoulder, and he was leaning his cheek again hers, to the up-beat dance tune that was blaring through the speakers. It was such a cute sight. Shame they won't remember it in the morning.

James arrived with 2 more bottles of beer. He handed one to me as he flopped down next to me and slung an arm around my shoulder.

" I caught up with Tino at the bar," he smiled at me, and kissed my cheek before continuing, "He said that him, Aaron and Phil are gonna head off, and that it's only us, Sam, Alan and Jamie left here now. He also said that he'a taking the van, so we have to find our own way home. I hope that's okay babe."

"Yeah", I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling his lips to mine once again.


~Sam's POV~

I swayed drunkenly, grabbing onto Alan's arm for support as we waited for a taxi. My cocktail sloshed out of its glass and splashed onto my dress, leaving a big, wet stain down the front if it. What a shame, I really like this dress.

We'd caught Gabby and James sucking each others faces off about a half hour ago, and told them we were leaving, and they'd come with us. Bastards got the first taxi though, which left us to stand on the corner, outside the club looking like a pair of drunken prostitutes.

"Aw what the fuck! You stupid drink, " I growled, "Stay in your glass next time." I glared at the empty glass, and without a second thought, dropped it, and watched it shatter all over the ground. I stared at the broken glass that spread from my feet, and onto the road. It looked really pretty, the rigid shards of glass reflecting the orangey colored street light in all different directions. The way the glass had broken also reminded me of how I felt, when I wasn't highly intoxicated.

"Sam, you silly nut! Whatcha do that fooooor?" Alan remarked, slapping my shoulder softly.

"Because the glass decided it was going to spill my drink aaaaaaaalll over my dress." I stamped my foot like an impatient 7 year old, glaring at him. "Just look at it!" I squealed, indicating to the stained area, "My dress is ruined. Fucking stupid alcohol."

He grinned goofily at me, and ruffled my hair; something he knew I hated. No one touched my hair. Ever. And I mean NO. ONE.

"Come on stupid clutz," Alan grabbed my hand, "Our taxi is here!"


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