I'm a Fucking Monster!

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~Sam's POV~

The intro of Danger Line by Avenged Sevenfold blasted out of the speakers in my phone. I didn't want to answer it. I knew it would either be my parents, or work. I guess I'd have to go if it's work, but I had no way of getting there, especially since I left my car back at home...

I wriggled around nervously and started picking at the deep red polish that coated the barley-there nails. I glanced up and looked around the room; three sets of eyes staring at me, willing me to take the call.

I chewed on the skin around my nails - another thing I do when I'm nervous - and waited for the phone to stop ringing.

Alan cleared his throat, "Aren't you gonna get that?"

I looked at him, sighed, and picked up my phone. Austin and Alan didn't really know what happened to me, only a brief outline of the story, and I wasn't willing to tell them any time soon. Even though Austin and Alan were a part of my favorite band, and it felt like I actually knew them, I couldn't just tell them! Their personalities change from being on camera and on stage to being an everyday person.

"Fine." I mumbled. I walked out the front door, that Leah pointed me in the direction of, closing it behind me and quickly answering the phone before it rung out.

"Hello?" I answered. I was scared. It came up as a blocked number, meaning it could be anyone! I really wasn't in the mood for abuse today.

"Sam," My boss, Alyce, snapped through the phone. "Where are you? Get to work right now; we have to talk!" God, her voice is so squeaky and annoying!

I froze. Fuck. I knew what was coming "Yeah," I laughed nervously, "Sure. I'll be in soon." I didn't even know how I was going to get to work. Or if I'd make it there.

"Okay, Bye!"

"Bye," I pressed 'end' and screamed, before throwing my phone into the concrete, watching it shatter into a million pieces. I stared at the broken remains of my phone before breaking down on the front porch.

~Alan's POV~

"I'm going to get drinks," Leah said, jumping up off Austin's lap, "Would you like one Alan?"

I smiled at her, and nodded my head; yes.

I will never forget the way Sam's face was last night haunts me - she was so pale and her lips were blue. I can't get the image of her tall, unbelievably skinny frame, curled up in a ball in the pouring rain out of my head. It hurts to look at her, to think that she's been through so much, and still has the will power to live.

Leah came back in with the drinks and handed me one. I unscrewed the lid and raised the bottle to my lips to take a sip.

The liquid ran down my throat, masking the thirst I didn't even know was there.

A blood-curdling scream came from outside, followed by a chain of loud sobs and whimpers.

I was off the couch and out the door in a flash, with Austin and Leah right on my heals.

The scene outside was one to remember as well. Her phone was everywhere; parts of it had even made it to the grass. Tears were screaming down her cheeks and her left hand was bloody - the result of her pounding it repeatedly on the concrete.

She looked up at as and snarled.

"What do you want?"

We were all taken aback; Austin was shocked, Leah stood there with her hands over her mouth. And I was speechless.

"What? Are you just going to stand there all day and stare?!" She stood up quickly, her hands were clenched in tight fists beside her and she was chewing her bottom lip.

I watched her as she slowly walked down the stairs, and sat flopped down onto the grass.

I couldn't take this anymore. Seeing her so sad was breaking me, even though I didn't even know her. I followed after her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into a hug and letting her cry into my chest.

MERP. I kind of got lost as to where to go with this chappy. Oh well, it's an update at least!

Please, my wonderful readers, comment what you think?

~peace and kittens :3

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