Ch 1 | The Bet

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"Give me my money boys." Demanded the gorgeous devil of their school.
"You all lost the bet, losers!"

"Come on. How come you always win?" Asked Kit, frustrated, it's his 5th time losing a bet to Beam.

"We should find some hard targets to bet on next time." Suggested Phana, another friend of theirs.

"Again wrong, everyone dies on me, so it doesn't matter what kind of person we bet on." The white skin, shining brightly teenage boy Beam smirked.

Kit, Phana and Beam are best friends, they have been together since middle school and now they are in high school 3rd year.

They all like to bet on people; they bet on a person, if Beam is able to have sex with them then Beam wins if not then Phana and Kit win.

And till now Beam has won every single bet they'd made.

"Hey classes time, let's go." Kit yelled and they all went towards their classroom.

In lunch break they had to pay the money to Beam of the bet.

"Now on who are we betting on?" Asked Beam.

"Are you kidding me? We are betting on nobody! I already lost so much damn money." Hissed Kit. As he hissed his cheeks puffed up making his grumpy face look adorable.
Beam went on and poked his dimple, getting a slap from Kit in return.

"Then guess this bet is between me and you." Pointing at Beam, Phana came forward to place another bet.

Kit looked at him confusingly. 'Is he mad?' Was what he was thinking.

"How much?" Beam grinned.

"20 thousand." Phana declared making the other both shocked. Even if Phana's rich, 20 thousands are still not some small number.

"Pha, you crazy?" Kit yelled shockingly.

"Yeah same, you crazy?" Even Beam was shocked for once.

"Wait babes, at least let me show you the person we are betting on." Phana smirked showing his white teeth and the proud smile girls usually die on. He came in between them both, placed his hands on their shoulders, then dragged them to the canteen.

This is an all boys school, this school doesn't have much reputation cause most boys here are deliquents.
You won't find anyone other than nerds, delinquents and playboys. And Beam is the number one playboy of this school.

Phana dragged them to the food-court, the most dangerous place here, because it's always filled with the most bad boys of this school.

"What? You want me to fuck a delinquent now?" Beam asked frowning hard.

Phana replied with a smirk and Kit just watched them silently.

"Not just any delinquent baby." He winked.
"This time our bet is on their boss, the boss of this place."

"Phana you crazy?!" Kit's eyes widened from the shock. And Beam just stood there not knowing what his friend was playing at.

"Now it's your choice to accept or reject it, however, in both cases you will loss." Pha looked at him pitifully.

Yet, Beam grinned.
"I accept it, and I will win!"

"Before accepting, you should have seen the person himself." Phana gushed.
"Look there." He pointed at the table where a boy was sitting alone.

Both Kit and Beam looked at the direction Phana was pointed at.

They couldn't see the face of the boy because he was facing the other side. Yet, even from his back they could tell that he was strong, manly & dangerous.
He has black short hair, tanned, muscled, has a tattoo peeking out of his sleeve and to top it all he has a dark auro surrounding him.

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