Ch 5 |Special, Only For You

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"Hi, Beamie."

Beam who was totally dumbfounded looked at Forth with an expression as if he ate shit.

How come he's here? And why with my mom???

He looked at his mother with an open mouth, trying to find words to ask why, why the very person he didn't want to know the truth is in his house?!

But no word came out of his mouth. His mother who saw her son's weird expression frowned her eyebrows. Then she looked at Forth while asking.
"You both know each other?"

Forth replied to her while grinning.
"Yes mom, we study in the same grade."


Little bastard, earlier you didn't even wanted to follow me now calling me mom?

Beam who was still in his dilemma didn't listen to them. Right now all he wanted was to dig a hole to bury himself!

"Well it's good if you both know each other but why from my son's ridiculous reaction I feel like you are bullying him?" His mother asked, still looking at her son's shocked expression.

"Ow mom, you are just imagining it." Forth moved away from the door and came beside Beam, hugging his shoulder and lightly dragging Beam's body weight on his arms. "What bullying? We are obviously best-est friends!"

Let alone your best-est friend, I can't even find any familiarity here.

Seeing the boy gently hugging and caressing her son's hair, she could do nothing other than sighing. Well whatever, as long as they aren't fighting.
"Just don't bully him." She gave Forth a soft warning then took off her heels beside the door. "It's good if you know each other. Baby, bandage this boy's wounds and give him some of your clothes to wear."

She waited for her son to reply but then even after a while she didn't hear the reply she turned to look that her son still had that bewildered look. Just what is going on here? She thought then chuckled at his embarrassingly weird expression. He is still a child.

After taking off her heels she went past them but made sure to smack the son's head to get him out of his stupor.

With the smack Beam did get back to reality, he pushed Forth a little away with a red burning face. Then looked at his mother. "Treat his wounds and set dinner, I am hungry." His mother said these words and went to her room leaving those boys alone.

Then Beam turned to Forth, embarrassingly looking at his face, saw the other grinning whole heartly, he could only find two words to describe it: really embarrassing!!

Beam took a step away from Forth and lowered his head, again thinking how to explain this situation.

"Which one is your room?" Forth asked him.

In reply Beam glared at him. Is there even a need to ask it? There are only two rooms, which one do you think is his?!

Forth saw him glaring but he didn't mind it, right now his whole mind is filled with something else.

Beam moved forward, opened a door and went inside, waiting for Forth to come too.

As Forth came inside he closed the door and slammed Beam on it. This took Beam by surprise even before he could grasp it Forth grabbed his neck and started roughly kissing him.

His other hand was grabbing Beam's wrist and his teeth started biting his lips, painfully.

"A slave dare left his master." Forth growled between his rough kisses. Only he knows how much he wanted to meet Beam, grab him and ask why are you suddenly avoiding me. It was fine at first but then you had to even stop coming during breaks then you dare switched off your phone!

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