Ch 8 |The Final Bet

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"Uwahh..." Beam had a big yawn while sitting on Forth's bike.

Forth looked at him from the rear view mirror and smiled. "Slept late again?"

"Mm." Beam answered lazily and hugged him then leaning his head on his back, he closed his eyes to sleep.

"Don't fall okay?"

"Mm." Hearing his lazy reply again Forth chuckled and focused in front.

When they reached their school and parked his bike, they met their friends waiting for them.

"You both are late again!" Phana yelled at them, the bell rang already, they should be in their class now, but no, these two rascals always have to come late.

In a reply Beam yawned again, contagiously making Kit yawn too. Phana glared at him and Kit hurried to close his mouth.

Forth came while putting his hand on Beam's shoulder. "Well we were having a quickie." He winked at Phana.

Phana ignored him and glared at Beam. "He's lying, mom was at home so we were late." Beam had to tell the truth.

Then they didn't waste any more time and went to their classes. On the way Park asked Lam. "What connection is in between their being late and his mom?" He asked while showing a confused expression.

Lam gave him a look then sighed. "It's better for you to not pressure your mind."


Forth started laughing, Lam left the confused idiot behind and came to Forth. "So how's it?"

"How's what?" He asked back.

Lam answered. "Dating him."

"I can't put it in words." He smirked at him. "He is so good in bed."

Lam rolled his eyes and left this idiot behind too. Forth laughed again. Actually the first sentence he said was true, he really can't put it in words. Dating Beam is fantastic but at the same time so real.

It's only been a month since they started dating but he feels like he should cage Beam, he becomes scared thinking how will he live if Beam left him.

Damn... A delinquent boss thinking about these things is not funny. That's why he doesn't talk about these kinds of things with anyone, not even Beam. 

Words have power but putting everything in words is not powerful. It'll be better if he showed it by making it true of their future.

All three of them went to their class, again as expected the teacher was already inside but the teacher didn't care who was coming who was going or if someone was even listening to him.

Forth went inside and rested his head on the desk to sleep. This time Park sat with Forth and Lam sat behind them. Park saw Forth sleeping but as a trouble maker how can he let someone sleep so soundly.

He hit Forth on leg and asked mischievously. "Yo boss, was last night so intense you didn't get any sleep?"

Forth raised his head to look at him then he looked behind him. "Why did you let this idiot sit here?" He asked Lam totally ignoring Park.

Lam lowered his head to his book. "Two idiots should sit together."

"Oh that's why you both always sit together?" Forth asked.

Lam didn't look at them and started reading his book.

Forth turned back to his seat and asked Park. "Fighting? Once again? Can't you live without it?"

Park lowered his voice. "This time it's his fault, I wanted to know the wish he would ask you for winning the bet, but he's so secretive."

A disbelief expression spread on Forth's face. "That's the reason you are fighting for?"

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