Ch 4 | The Angry Boss

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Forth was in a bad mood, he was basically emitting a murderous aura around him. 

Both Lam and Park couldn't find a chance to ask him what was wrong. Even the other boys were staying away from their boss.

"Boss here, your coffee." A flashy looking boy came and put the coffee can in front of Forth.

Forth didn't even glance at it and threw the can to the wall. "Who asked for coffee?!" He yelled at the boy. "I wanted coke, you deaf!"

The flashy boy was scared shitless by him, he correctly remember boss wanted a coffee so he even went out of his way to get boss's favorite dark coffee from a convenient store since at school it was sold out.
He knew boss won't thank him but at least he won't be angry too, but he was wrong. Boss is mad at him. He felt wronged so he tried to retort.

"Boss, you..." Just as he opened his mouth Park came in a hurry and covered his mouth with his hands, other boys also came to cover his half spoken sentence. "Boss, you are right, he must have heard wrong. We will get you the coke as fast as we can!" They yelled and dragged the flashy boy out of there.

When they were out of Forth's sight Lam scolded the boy for sending his head in a lion's mouth.

"You dumbass! Can't you see Forth is in a fit right now? And you dare to retort with him!" The boy again felt wronged. And tried to retort with them too. "But P'Lam, boss really did ask for a coffee not a coke."

When Lam heard it he snorted loudly at him while Park felt like kicking him. "So what if boss really asked for a coffee? You see this boy was asked to buy some noodles." He pointed at a boy near him. "And he did buy noodles. But No! Boss wanted roasted meat, not noodles, is it boss' fault then?" He asked that boy and the boy shook his head. "Absolutely not."

Then Park dragged the flashy boy in front of another one. "Boss asked for math's homework and he did get math's homework, but no! Boss wanted English homework's answer. Was boss at fault?!" Park asked that boy now. And the boy replied with greeted teeth. "No, it was my fault to not read the boss' mind."

"See!" Park shouted at the flashy boy. "I was asked to bring a porn mag, and I did bring it, but..." Just then all the boys yelled to complete Park's sentence. "But No! Boss wanted a horror novel."

Park wiped his imaginary tears and asked the flashy boy. "Was it boss's fault?"

"Noo... Phi, it was our fault to not bring the right thing!" The flashy boy replied and hugged Park's thigh while sobbing. Park kicked him. "Get lost!"

Right then Lam faced Park and told him, "Forth really did ask for a novel." 

Park stared at him not replying. 

"Do you really think Forth would ask for a porn mag?"

Before Lam could chide more, Park turned to bite his shoulder. Then another smack was given to him. 

Their interaction was nothing new for the other guys. 

"But why is the boss so angry?" The flashy boy asked, wiping the shoe mark from his shirt. 

Lam answered him. "Apparently Beam has been ignoring him." Everyone turned their attention to Lam. "He's been going home straight after school ends, though at first he was replying to Forth's messages and calls, and was coming to meet him at lunch too but now he doesn't come at lunch time and has switched off his phone."

"Could it be that man-whore is aiming at someone else now?" A boy said. Another boy asked him what he meant. "Don't you all know Beam and his team bets on people, a bet to have sex. It might be that boss and he had sex so now they are betting on someone else." All the boys opened their eyes wide at this truth. "Ohh yeah, I saw boss and beam on bike the other day, going somewhere." 'To have sex' was deliberately not spoken here.

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