Ch 2 | Another Bet

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It has been 2 weeks since Forth made Beam his slave.
And unexpectedly Beam is too good at it.
Actually he can be the best errand boy, only if he didn't ask for money everytime.

Whenever Forth asked him to buy things, Forth had to give him money first.

Everyone was surprised by this, they thought what use Beam is even for if Forth has to pay every time.
They misunderstood Forth's slave word to lackey.

Well, Forth doesn't care about money since he is rich, and he hates to use someone else's money too.

However, the thing he hates most is that Beam does this slave work without any complaint, he's quite nice at it. Forth wouldn't admit but whenever Beam does it, it doesn't even seem like he's running an errand for another person.

All of this left Forth in a dilemma of what to do with this guy.

"Boss." Lam called Forth.

"Stop calling me that, just call my name when we are alone." Forth scolded him.

He and Lam have been friends since elementary school, so he doesn't like it when Lam started calling him boss.

He doesn't know how he came to be known as boss in this school, he hadn't done anything other than beating a guy who annoyed him.
He still doesn't know that guy was the previous head of delinquents, so without knowing Forth became the head.

He doesn't like this shit of boss thing, but it is quite handy in some ways, like when you need to beat other schools students then this boss title is so damn good to make the whole school gather up for him.

"Ok, then Forth!" Lam sarcastically emphasized his name, "Will you tell me what you're doing with Beam?"

"What? Punishing him. As a slave?" He knows it doesn't seem like punishment that's why he turned his statement into a question.

"As a slave?" Lam sneered.
"More like an errand boy, boss." Park continued.

"Come on, I am making him do work like a slave does." Forth retorts.

"He doesn't even behave like a lackey." Lam retorts back.

"Then... What do you want me to do? Go and set law for him to not wear clothes? Eat rubbish? Clean others' garbage? Or make him bald?!" He can't do such things to others, all he likes is fighting, not looking down at everyone! Okay, he does look down on the weaklings. However that's their fault for being so weak, don't they know to take care of their bodies or train their muscles? Hah!

As Forth finished yelling he looked to find that both of them, Lam and Park were looking at him in a dissatisfied way. "Wha...t?" He uttered.

Lam stepped forward and raised his index finger. "In middle school you cut off a senior's clothes and made him run about only in his underwear."

After saying this Lam raised his middle finger too, indicating 'two' number by his two fingers.

As soon as he raised it, Park also stepped forward to speak. "First day of high school and you put worms inside your classmate's lunch, mocking him to eat shit." Park shook his head and sighed, as if he was really disappointed by Forth. Looks like he forgot that it was he, himself who helped Forth find those worms.

Now Lam raised his ring finger, making the third point. "You poured glue on a guy's head, making him go bald to get rid of the glue." Lam again sneered as he said it.

Park laughed and naturally put his hand on Lam's shoulder. "Boss you have done so many good deeds, want us to give details now?"

Lam curved his fingers and crossed his hands to his chest, exposing an expression of annoyance.

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