Extra | ParkLam - A Status

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Lam got off his bike and directly went to the mechanic faculty.

As always his gaze was dead looking, he was just looking forward, not on any person, but when he found the person he was here for, he felt he shouldn't have come.

Park was standing with a girl, laughing and chatting. He might have said something that made the girl laugh out loud, while laughing she patted Park's shoulder then rested her hand there. Though Park pushed her hand in a way that doesn't look like he's rejecting her, or affect the girl's dignity.

Lam watched it all, standing far away from him. Then he took out his phone and opened Park's messages.

Park had sent him a message that he won't be able to have lunch together since he have a project he can't do without the help of his senior.

So, this girl was the senior he was talking about.

Brownish-red perm hair, short height but nice figure, sexy legs and sweet smile.

A senior like this, it's understandable, no one will be able to do a project without her help.

When he thought he had looked enough at them, he turned back to go to his faculty. While on his way he saw a dustbin, he threw the food and water bottle he bought for someone who has to do a project.

He went back to his faculty, electrical engineering, there he saw Beam, he stopped and greeted him.

"Going back now?" He asked him.

Beam smiled as always, no matter who come to talk to him he will always smile, totally opposite of Lam who only knows to frown his eyebrows.

"We have a quiz, Pha warned me to not spend much time with Forth or else my mind will be full of him." He winked as he joked.

Lam shook his head at him, Beam smiled and asked back. "What about you? Forth said you went to Park's faculty."

Lam again started frowning as he remembered what he saw there. "He was busy..." He paused in between before adding. "Doing a project."

Beam made an 'oh' sound and soon they both went back to their way.

Lam came to his faculty's cafeteria and found Forth sitting on their usual table.

Right on the first day, Forth again fought with some seniors and won the fight, however this time the fight didn't stop there, those seniors took revenge by SOTUS activities.

They always found some reasons to punish Forth, Lam and Park severely.

At first they really hated it, especially Forth who couldn't find much time to spend with Beam. Then there was that Campus Moon competition, Forth was chosen as the Engineering Moon, again he was short on time.
But since Phana was also a Moon, and he dragged Kit and Beam with him everywhere, Forth and Beam could spend some time together.

Their relationship is still the same as before, no, maybe it has became more deeper now.

Later as time went by, they were able to make their own gang in the university, fighting now and then.
Forth is, of course, the leader, and Lam and Park, the second and third in the team.

Phana, Beam and Kit has become famous, they are called the crazy doc gang.

Everyone had adapted to their University life, it wasn't bad nor particularly good.

But if you ask Lam, how is his University life, he would say just one word, boring.

Park and Lam weren't in the same class anymore. They used to spend all the time together, even at home they slept together, woke up together, ate together, fought together; this together ended in their University life.

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