24 Know Your Place 24

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As both your smiles began to fade, Kylo assisted you in getting up off the floor.

You glanced up at him with concern, sweat drenched his head and all the color had drained from his face."Kylo, are- are you okay?"

"I'm fine." His voice was hoarse.

"W- what the hell was that about?"

"Nothing it's, it's over with." He shook his head.

The two of you weaved through the obstacles of rocks and crumbles that had broken off from the ceiling.

"Oh...it seemed pretty serious considering he wanted you to kill me."

Kylo halted mid step. "Did you actually think I would- " Kylo looked down at you.

"No I-" you stuttered.

He grasped your jaw. "Don't be so ignorant."

"O-ok." Your head sunk down."So what happens now...?" Your pitch was cautious.

"He's dead. And now I'll take his place as Supreme Leader. Nothing will be happening in regards of consequences if that's what your concerned about." Kylo scoffed.

"Ok but I have to ask, why did he want me dead?"

"He knew about Canto Bight, about us leaving to visit. That kind of stuff never sat right with him."

"How the f- wait, do you think Hux." You stopped mid sentence.

"No. I would've sensed it when we spoke earlier. He's one ginger bastard but he isn't stupid enough to betray me like that."

"Oh." You trusted Kylo's intuition. You and Kylo exited the throne room, leaving behind a world of disaster. "Can I come back to your quarters?" You sounded shy.

"No." His response was firm.

"Oh um." You became slightly embarrassed for even asking.

"I have a scheduled meeting with Hux to discuss some...issues later on. I've been waiting on this even before our departure to Canto Bight."

"Like?" Your voice was high.

"It's confidential to the First Order, I can't release information that sensitive."

"But it's me." You furrowed your brows, hurt at his reply.

"I know. Still." His gaze fixated on the floor beneath you.

You wondered why Kylo didn't trust you, after everything that's happened, he still didn't trust you? Unfortunately there was nothing you could do to make him speak up so you left it at that. The two of you eventually made it to your room and he immediately took off after you'd made it inside. For just saving someone's life, he sure was in a fucking hurry.

                                    [KYLO'S POV]

Kylo made it back to his quarters and slammed the door shut following his entrance. Now he was the Supreme Leader, and he'd just gained an emense amount of new responsibilities. Anything and everything that related to the First Order was his business even more so now. But Kylo was ready, being the new Supreme Leader would make him even more powerful, it would hopefully balance out some of the strengths you'd managed to take away from him.

His meeting with Hux was set to discuss some recent conflict between the First Order and a specific individual, Jarik Keona/his affiliates, living on Batuu. Kylo had been waiting on a very important order of mechanical and technological parts belonging to the First Order's Super Laser upon Star Killer base, that'd mysteriously surfaced at Black Spire Outpost. He was determined to have them returned to the First Order, but Jarik and his team weren't the most compliant group. They weren't holding up their end of the bargain considering the First Order had already paid an abundance of credits in advance. Kylo was outraged to begin with since Jarik was forcing him to pay a fee on what belonged to the First Order. The issue needed to be resolved and that's what Hux and Kylo planned on canvassing. Despite their hatred for one another, they would be forced to work together and sort this mess out.

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