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 CHER met up with Dionne immediately after rushing inside and was surprised to find her with Tai, the new girl

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CHER met up with Dionne immediately after rushing inside and was surprised to find her with Tai, the new girl. Dionne briefly mentioned they ran into each other at the mall and that she thought it was the perfect time to start the makeover they have been planning. Cher introduced herself to the girl and was already thinking of boys in their grade she would look good with. Cher loved playing matchmaker. In fact, Cher loved helping people in any way. However, she often did this in the way she thought best. Through makeovers! She believed everyone should feel good about themselves and a change of appearance can be the right way to go.

After having a few drinks and mingling, Dionne was ready for Cher to spill all the details about her first two days at Wayne Manor.

"So how's Bruce's been." Dionne asked Cher, moving to sit on the counter in the kitchen of party host's home.

"Way boring and the guys have been annoying as usual, plus I can't even like stay in my old room. Bruce gave it to his new daughter".

"Bruce has another kid? How many does he need." Dionne asked shocked.

"I don't know but it's like honestly kinda nice having a girl around the place. Another girl close to the family named Barbara, has been hanging out there a lot. She's older but I like her."

"That's good, female company is like always needed. Just don't go around replacing me as your best friend."

Cher laughed. "I would never do that D!"

Dionne smiled. "Do you think Bruce would mind if I came over to hang with you?"

Cher pondered for a moment before replying to Dionne. "I don't know, I'd have to ask I guess."

"Make sure you do! I'm gonna be way bored with out you!"

"You have Murray."

"Ya but he' know."

Cher laughed, Dionne loved Murray but even she knew he could get out of hand sometime.

"You should totally get a boyfriend Cher."

Cher frowned. "No. I told you, all the guys at our school are gross and all the cute ones are gay! Remember Christian?"

"What about Bruce's kids?"

Cher never considered herself to be family with the Wayne's. Her mom may have gotten married to Bruce, but it was a for a short period of time. She also never considered the boys as her brothers, she didn't see them as anything actually, just acquaintances. Cher gave a quick answer and tried to change the subject.

As the party went on Cher who was thrilled to be out of the Manor talked with all her friends and even met some new people. The party was relatively fun, not unlike most other ones. People drinking, smoking and loud music playing. The house was trashed and there were people every where. Cher loved parties.

At some point during her night out, her cell phone rang and Cher immediately regretted answering it the moment she heard the caller's voice.

"Cher where are you?" Her mother asked. She seemed worried but her anger overpowered the worry in her tone.

"At a party...why?" Cher asked softly, not ready for her mother to yell at her.

"Did I give you permission to go to this party?"

"No but-

"Did you even think of asking Bruce for permission to go to this party?" Her mother cut her off.


"Then I don't understand why you would think it would be acceptable to leave the manor, without telling any adults where you were going. Just because I'm on a business trip does not mean you can come and go from the Manor anytime you want, you still have to tell Bruce and ask for my permission if you know I may not be comfortable with where you're going."

"I'm sorry mom, I should have asked you for permission." Cher apologized with a sigh.

"I want you back at the manor now, if I hear you're not there in the next 30 minutes-

"Okay I'm getting a ride now. I understand."

Cher's mother hung up the phone. Her mother and her were close and they rarely argued, although that may be attributed to the fact that she's working the majority of the time. Despite that, the blonde hated getting yelled at by her mother. She didn't want to leave the party, she was enjoying herself and loving the escape from the manor. However, she knew her mother was right, she should have told Bruce at least. The blonde asked Dionne for a ride home but her and Murray weren't ready to leave yet so she called a taxi instead.

Once her ride arrived she said her goodbyes to everyone bitterly and then hopped into the taxi. She was upset for a multitude of reasons, the main one being that she was being forced back into the Manor. She didn't say a word expect for her destination. For the majority of the ride she stared out the window in her own world. It wasn't for a while until she realized she wasn't going in the direction of the Manor. Once she understood what was happening she immediately felt a wave of panic rush over her. She had absolutely no idea what to do and decided against saying anything to the man just in case it caused further trouble. She could barely think and her head became fuzzy, her nerves taking control of her. She tried to look calm so the driver would believe everything was fine.

She remembered she had her phone and discreetly flipped it open, trying her best to remember the number of the Manor. Once she dialled, it rung and rung and her anxiety heightening by the second, the man would eventually notice her on her phone and she didn't know if his reaction would be dangerous.

Finally, Tim answered the phone and as she was about to whisper for help the car violently pulled into an empty parking lot. She lost her balance and her phone flew out of her hand and laid on the carpeted floor of the vehicle.

The man spoke finally. "Who do you think you're calling?"

Cher didn't reply and only screamed for help hoping Tim was still on the line and able to hear her. She didn't know where this man was taking her or what he was going to do with her and she was terrified. Her heart beat out of her chest and her entire body shook. She started crying and screaming at once, pleading to go home. The man however, was parking the car ignoring her screams. She attempted to get out of the car but the man locked the door as soon as he saw her lunge for it. She banged on the window. Her throat burnt from how loud her cries were and she regretted calling the Manor instead of the police. The man got out of the car, shutting the door behind him so Cher would have no escape and made his way over the her door.

He opened Cher's door and grabbed her. Cher tried to fight back in any way possible but he over powered her. He dragged her to the trunk but as soon as the trunk lifted into the air a dark figure flew down behind him. The mysterious figure grabbed ahold of him and knocked him out in one swift punch. Cher's eyes were blurry from her tears making it difficult to make out a who it was. It looked to her as if it was Batman and she blinked rapidly trying to see more of him. Once her eyes confirmed it was him shock rose through her body. Batman was a hero and he had just saved her. She studied him more and there was something oddly familiar about his physique and mannerism, though she couldn't put her finger on it. In an instant the dark knight vanished taking the man away with him.

A car pulled into the parking lot, causing Cher to become frightened once more. Upon seeing the drivers face she was pleased and relaxed instantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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