Mr. Blue Sky

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"And stay the fuck out! Ya little chavs!" The old lady who ran their bed and breakfast shrieked as she pushed her and Piper out of the door, sending them tumbling down the ancient stone steps.

To be fair, if Reyna was in her shoes, she would threw their asses out as well. Although, she would have been far more violent, probably snapping a few limbs as she dragged her terrible guests down the halls. Oh yes, if she ever woke up to find a hole the size of three fridges in her home, one of her guest rooms completely trashed, and two hungover teenage girls standing (well passed out in Piper's case) in the middle of it all, she would have rained down such fire and fury that the gods themselves would have fled in terror.

But the one thing she would hold against the white-haired pensioner was the screaming. Her head was still threatening to split itself open and the old woman's screeching and literal tears were flowing down Piper's face with every sharp vowel.

"Fucking Americans," the old woman screamed once more before slamming the door shut.

And then there was silence, or the closest to silence Reyna would get. She could hear Piper sniffling on the sidewalk beside her, birds chirping, the running of a car engine, and a few people walking by and muttering to themselves about the strange sight. But at least there was no more screaming. For a country that was portrayed as quiet and peaceful, there had been a lot of screaming and chaos in the last twenty-four hours.

Of course, I wouldn't get Mary Berry, I get Piers Morgan! And speaking of loud gorillas... The vacationing praetor craned her neck off the cool, inviting pavement. "Piper?" she whispered, yet it still sounded as loud as a cyclops stubbing a toe. "Piper!" Reyna repeated through clenched teeth. "Piper, get up!"

The daughter of Aphrodite placed her arms to the side and tried to push herself up, only to immediately collapse. Piper than twisted and kicked like she was some kind of beach whale, before somehow rolling onto her side. "Did we die?" The girl half cried.

Gods, I wish...

Reyna sat up and mentally congratulated her stomach for not releasing its contents. "No, but I think we're going to wish we were. Annabeth's been kidnapped."

Piper rolled onto her back and took a deep breathe, only for her to quickly close her mouth as her cheeks bulged out. Reyna watched anxiously to see what the daughter of Aphrodite would do, and nearly vomited herself when the Greek swallowed down whatever foul liquid was in her mouth. The girl then took in a few ragged, but shallower, breaths. "That figures," she sighed. "Any idea by who or why?"

Reyna shook her head, and immediately regretted the action. "Some redhaired bitch with a flying chariot and no respect for hangovers," she said, grasping onto both sides of her head in a vain attempt to stop the world from spinning. "She would not stop screaming."

"Wait? So, we're hungover?" Piper asked in shock. "Oh gods! We got drunk! How did we get drunk?! My dad is going to kill me for getting kicked out of the B&B, so I can't even imagine what he's going to do when he hears I got- mmphf!"

Reyna clamped one hand over the panicking teen's mouth and with the other brought one shaky finger to her lips. "Shh... There are angry gods in my head that will explode if you are too loud." Piper raised an eyebrow in confusion. "But none of that is important right now. What is important is Annabeth is in danger and we need to get her back. Nod if you understand." The girl nodded, and Reyna dropped her hand. "Now, the psycho bitch that abducted Annabeth acted like we talked, but the last thing I remember is going to that pub. What do you remember?"

Piper sat up and closed her eyes; whether it was to think or to stop the world from spinning was anyone's guess. "I remember..." -Kaleidoscope eyes snapped open and then narrowed- "you telling us one drink wouldn't kill us! Well look where that- mmphf!"

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