14. Before the Storm

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Sleeping on it did not work.

Jun stayed bedridden for nearly two? Three days straight? She lost track of time. After all, she was stuck facing the direction opposite of the clock. Jun tried to convince herself that a couple more days of bedrest would get her back into shape, but a person could only lie to themself for so long. Someone was bound to realize that something was very, very wrong.

Someone entered the room. Footsteps walked up to Jun's bed and stopped. A finger poked her good shoulder.

"Are you... okay?"

"Yeah, Aiden, I'm good."

He didn't sound convinced. "Can you move?"

"Yeah, totally! See?" Jun waved with the good hand.

"No, I meant the rest of you." Jun couldn't see his face, but she was pretty sure Aiden rolled his eyes. "Hampton keeps trying to make me do your exercises."

"I'm guessing you didn't?"

"Nope. And if you don't want the rest of our unit busting down our door for making them do extra work, you'll show up tomorrow."

Jun sighed. "Just, just give me a couple extra days. I'll be back and ready, I promise!"

"You promised that two days ago. I don't mind covering for you, but I think you need to get that shoulder checked out."

The dark-haired ranger craned her neck to look up at Aiden. "You're telling me to go to the infirmary?"

"Listen." Aiden had a sober expression. "As someone who hates doctors, I think you need to see a doctor. Do you need help getting up?" He offered a hand.

Jun didn't take it, instead pushing herself up with the other hand. It was a lot more painful than the last time she sat up, but she tried not to show it. "See, I'm almost back to normal."

The blond ranger grimaced, shaking his head.

Jun gritted her teeth, accepting defeat, and prepared to make a decision that would likely turn her life upside down. "Fine. Hand me my phone."

Aiden tossed the phone in Jun's direction, but it missed her good hand by a few inches. Thankfully, she was still able to pick it up.

"the jig's up, steph." Jun texted. "my shoulder's busted." She closed the phone and stood up, clutching the aforementioned shoulder, and walked toward the door.

"You're not gonna pass out or anything, right?"

"Nah. I'm good." answered Jun. Suddenly, she whirled around. "Before I go. Who's the least skeevy doctor you can think of on this ship?"

"Least skeevy...?" Aiden's face showed confusion.

"Yes." Jun affirmed, firmly.

"Kingsley." Aiden matched Jun's seriousness. "I have issue with the guy for tryin' to stick a needle in me, but he's alright."

"Cool." Jun gave a serious thumbs-up and walked out of the door.

"Stay safe." Aiden called after her. He said something else, but the door had already closed behind Jun and she couldn't hear what it was. Resolutely, she made her way down the hallway and into the unknown.

"You're going the wrong way."

Jun turned around to see Aiden standing back by their dorm. She made her way back down the hallway, far less triumphantly.

"Thanks." Jun said as she passed him. Then she stopped. "Actually... Come with me."

Aiden nodded, and followed along. They walked side by side, not saying anything to each other, except for the occasional direction from Aiden. Jun thought very hard about what she was about to tell him. Eventually, they made it to the waiting room for the infirmary. It was a quiet place. Very few people were inside right now, and none lingered outside. They stopped before going in.

"Well, there you go." Aiden motioned toward the waiting room.


"Hey." He scratched his beard. "You don't gotta tell me anything you don't want to, but... You seem like you had some bad experiences with docs too. If anything goes wrong in there... You let me know." His mouth formed into an evil smile. "I'll make them regret it."

"I dunno how I'm gonna be able to tell you if I'm in an operating room, but thanks for the sentiment." Jun paused, looking at the ground. "But," she placed a hand on his shoulder, half for moral support, half for physical support, "there is something I have to tell you."

Aiden said nothing. He didn't even flinch.

"I know this is prolly gonna be hard to take in at first, but you seem like the least likely person to freak out about this." She began to speak in a hushed voice. "So, um, like... I... I'm... uhhh."

The taller ranger raised an eyebrow.

"I'm a woman, I guess?" Jun shrugged with her one good shoulder. "Sur... prise...?"

Aiden blinked. Then he seemed to come to a realization. "Oh! So you're like," He snapped his fingers a couple times, "traaaans-something? Yo, I knew a coupla women like that. They looked out for me sometimes. If anybody got a problem with you for it--"

Jun didn't quite know how to tell him he made the wrong assumption, but she was touched nonetheless. "Th-thanks? But I'm not trans." Actually, Jun started to feel less sure of that. "At least, I'm not a trans woman..."

The blond squinted, and blinked a few more times. "Wait, so you're...?"

"I kinda snuck into the IF."

Jun could see things clicking together in Aiden's mind. His eyes widened. "How did you not get caught??"

"Shh! Not too loud!" Jun warned, looking around for bypassers and cameras. "Anyway... I figured since this'll come out when I go to get my shoulder checked, I might as well tell someone I trusted. I'd tell you not to tell anyone, but the whole ship's probably gonna know about it within the next week."

"Hey." Aiden smirked. "I'm no snitch."

Jun gave a wan smile. "Thanks... Catch you on the flipside."

Aiden... saluted? "Good luck in there."

With one last wave to each other, both parted ways, as Jun entered the waiting room, ready to face the coming storm.

(GQ Special #1) The Misadventures of Ranger Kim and Ranger KellyWhere stories live. Discover now