6. Ping-Pong Break

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Between looking after Aiden, Jun had made a couple of friends. Matthew Burnham, the plain-looking guy she had lunch with the first time she met Aiden, continued having lunch with her. Jaleel Brown and Corey Ridley, who often worked with Jun while fixing ship machinery, often joined them. All three were pleasant to hang around. It comforted Jun to know that though technically she was an outsider, these three considered the rookie one of their own.

Today, a familiar face approached the group.

"Um, hey... I dunno if you remember me," began the cadet, "but I was with Eric. Eric Murray?"

Jun turned around. "Oh yeah, you're...." She snapped her fingers, trying to remember the name. "Brad...?"

"Brandon." he corrected. "Were you the one that reported us?"


"Thought so." He gave a slight, ashamed smile. "I actually wanted to thank you. Everything was a joke with Eric, so when he started pushing us around, we either went with it or we were 'too sensitive.'" he used air quotes. "I didn't realize how far I went along with it until you showed up."

"Oh!" Jun smiled. "Glad I could do that for ya."

"And thanks for beating up that huge scary guy for us." He playfully bowed down to Jun. "You're not the hero we deserved, but you're the one we needed."

If Jun remembered that incident correctly, she was the one who ended up on the floor with Aiden kicking her in the leg. Brandon and the others left before that time, though.

"You did what?" Corey's mouth dropped.

Jun tried to explain. "Oh no, you got the situation all wrong. I just held Kelly off from him for a little bit."

Jaleel raised his glasses. "I'm sorry, did you say Kelly? 6'4" and shredded Kelly?"

"Looks-like-he's-done-5-to-10 Kelly? That guy?" Corey added.

"Yeah!" confirmed Brandon, barely having learned Aiden's name.

"Come on guys, he's like 6'2" at most." Jun told them.

Matthew spoke up. "When we first met, he got into a fight with this other big guy and smacked his fist out of the way mid-punch. Then Kelly slammed that guy into a table; it was nuts."

Corey leaned toward the rookie. "Jun, teach us your skills."

"Remind me to have you around the next time I get into a fight." joked Jaleel.

The buzz continued around Jun for a few more minutes before it finally died down as the group got finished with their lunch. Corey suggested they go play ping-pong in the rec room later, and everyone agreed. Someone brought up the fact that there was an odd number of them. Suddenly, Jun thought of something.

"Hey guys, if I run into Kelly before then, is it okay if I invite him?"

They gave her a bewildered stare.

"I promise you guys won't, like, die or anything."

Brandon spoke. "As... As long as you're there, I guess."

The others hesitantly agreed.

"Cool!" Jun gave a thumbs up. "See you later!" She finger-gunned away.

During a stop to her dorm, Jun saw Aiden lounging on the top bunk bed.

"Heyyy." the rookie greeted. "Me and a coupla the guys are gonna go play ping-pong in the rec room. We could use another player. Wanna come with?"

He didn't even look down at Jun. "No."

"Alright then!"

With that, Jun left to go play ping-pong.

(GQ Special #1) The Misadventures of Ranger Kim and Ranger KellyWhere stories live. Discover now