13. Something Fixed, Something Broken

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Halfway back to Earth, repairs needed to be done on the Virgo's exterior, and Jun had been one of the few tasked to do them. It was easier work than expected; a few new bolts here, a few new screws there. For every star ranger outside of the ship, there was one onboard watching them through cameras. Jun was paired up with Luis, a friendly enough guy who helped pass the time with light conversation.

"How long do ya have left, Jun?"

"Uhhh, I should be done after I tighten these last few bolts."

"Oh really?" He asked. "If you turn around, you'll get to see somethin' awesome!"

"Turn where?"

"To your le--I mean right."

On Jun's right, a group of star rangers were practicing with the jet armor. Jun also wore the armor, with two large jets attached to her back and two smaller ones on each ankle. One of them in particular was doing some ridiculous stunts. He made an arc upward before flipping upside down and propelling back downward. That couldn't have been done on anyone's orders.

"I wonder who that guy is." Jun also wondered if the tricks he did were safe, but doubted it.

"Someone told me his name before, but I forgot." Luis responded. "He's kinda like a loner. I think I heard he isn't liked very well. They're probably jealous. People try an' copy him, but no one's ever as good as the original, y'know?"

Loner. Not well-liked. Jun had an idea of who that might be. "Does he have a scar on the right side of his face?"

"No, it's on the le--No. Wait, you're right! It is on the right side, his right. How did you know?"

Jun sighed. "That's my roommate."

"Whaaat? You know him??"


"You get to talk to him??"

"I do."

"Woah..." Luis quieted down some. "Not to sound stalkerish, but I've been meanin' to talk to him for a while now. What's he like?"

"He's kind of a wild card. I wouldn't necessarily call him nice." Jun returned to tightening bolts after taking one last look at Aiden's group. True to Luis's word, another star ranger was trying unsuccessfully to copy his moves.

"Oh..." Luis sounded dejected.

"He's an okay guy, though! I'd say we're friends." The technician finished the last bolt. "There. You can let the guys on deck know I'm ready to come back."

"Can do!" Luis's transmission cut out for a second. He came back shortly. "It's all ready to go."


"I'd talk to him if I weren't so chicken."

"Aww, don't be so hard on yourself." Jun carefully tried to point downward towards the ship's loading deck, but had some trouble. Not everyone could be Aiden Kelly. "He may not be the most approachable guy in the world, but I don't think he'll bite. Maybe I can arrange for you guys to meet!"

"Really? Wow... I guess I'll hafta take you up on that sometime! Thanks, Jun!"

"No prob."

"I wish you could see him right now... He's amaz---What the--?? Jun, watch out!"

"Huh?" Jun looked around, but saw no danger.

"Incomin', on your righ--I mean left!"

Before Jun could react, something collided into her left shoulder, sending her spinning out of control.

"Jun! Are you okay? Can you stabilize??"

"I'm..." Jun was too dizzy to concentrate, but managed to use the ankle jets to stop spinning. "I think I'm stable now. What was that?"

"Some ameteur." Luis replied. "Ugh, I'm really sorry, I-- See? That's what I mean about people tryin' to copy your roommate. They can't do it right and people get hurt! Are you alright?"

"Yeah..." Jun's shoulder stung more than she wanted to let on. "My shoulder's a little sore."

"D'ya need to go to the infirmary?"

"Nah. I'm sure I'll be fine if I sleep on it."

(GQ Special #1) The Misadventures of Ranger Kim and Ranger KellyWhere stories live. Discover now