5. Morning Workout

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A pin could drop in the training room and all would be able to hear it. Everyone in Jun's unit stood silently, awaiting the lead corporal's commands. Everyone except for one notable exception.

"Ranger Kim!" Corporal Hampton barked into Jun's ear. Anyone could tell he was aiming to be a warrant officer.


"Where! In Jupiter's red blazes is Ranger Kelly??"

"I don't know, sir!"

He took a few steps so he could deafen the rookie's other ear. "It's been a month and you still don't know??"

"He was gone when I woke up...sir." Jun almost forgot.

"Then wake up sooner!" demanded the corporal. "Captain Phelps didn't hire you to pal around with him. I want that menace present and I want him here yesterday. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Alright, men." Hampton addressed to everyone. "As you know, this is not a democracy. But today I will give you a choice. Since Kelly is not here with us, someone has to put in the work for him. Either all of you do 1 ½ miles, 6 laps, or you all get to do the standard 4-lap mile, but Ranger Kim here," he clamped a hand on Jun's shoulder. "has to run 8 laps. 2 whole miles. Raise your hands if you want to run 6 laps!"

That wasn't even a choice. Still, Jun sheepishly held up a hand, already knowing that no one else would. The regular exercises were already hard on the rookie, but the next 15 minutes proved to be torture. Swallowing magma would be preferable to the burning in her lungs.

"Wow, you look like you're about to die." Aiden almost went unnoticed by Jun after staggering out of the training room.

'Where were you?' the dark-haired ranger could've asked, had a coughing fit not struck at that moment. Her oxygen-deprived mind could only think of the warnings she saw when searching for a chest binder: 'Don't wear when doing rigorous activity.' 'Take breaks if you feel short of breath.' 'Never sleep in this.' All of these were disregarded, and now the rookie was paying the price.

"Are you... okay?"

Jun nodded.

"Okaaaaay..." He didn't seem to believe it, but he left anyway. Jerk.

This couldn't happen again. Jun was determined not to let an incident like this happen again if it killed her, because the alternative might.

"What are you doing?" Aiden asked from the top bunk. Bedtime arrived, but Jun sat, arms folded on the single bed across from him.

"Making sure you don't disappear." the rookie answered, preparing for a long, long night. "You're coming to training with me tomorrow."

He propped his head up with his hand. "So let me get this straight: You're going to stay up all night and watch me sleep?"


"You know you're going to have to watch me get dressed, right?" The blond ranger pointed to his clothes, which were all on the floor.

"That's a sacrifice I'll have to make."

"And what if I still don't wanna go?"

"You will go."

He shook his head and laid back down. "Okay. Goodnight, creep."

Jun watched until Aiden fell asleep. She watched and waited, occasionally checking the clock on their dresser. Minutes could not go by any slower. Still, the rookie's eyes were open and alert, ready to stay that way for the next 6-8 hours.

(GQ Special #1) The Misadventures of Ranger Kim and Ranger KellyWhere stories live. Discover now