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Marinette yawned as she tried her hardest to tune out Chloe's constant yammering. She had stayed up late patrolling with Chat Noir causing her to have quite the sleepy morning.

The class was on a field trip to a beach nearby. Chloe's father had gotten the beach cleared for the class. It had been the source of Chloe's bragging for almost the entire week.

Marinette longed to feel the warm sand between her toes and sunbathe on the beach. But she had a worry that her one piece, which Alys had brought for her, wouldn't cover all the scars her body carried as a result of being Ladybug.

As she noticed that they were able to see the ocean from the bus windows she nudged Alta on her right to wake up. The brunette girl next to her woke with a soft gasp and murmured a few lines of something Marinette wasn't able to decipher.

"Hey Alya," Marinette said softly, "We're almost here."

"Huh?" Alya sat up and glanced at Marinette before turning her head to the window. "Oh my god. It's beautiful!" She exclaimed in delight.

Marinette grinned in agreement. "Isn't it?" She said in her normal high pitched voice.

The two best friends, as well as the rest of the kids in the bus whispered in admiration of the beautiful ocean.

Once they reached their destination they stepped off the bus and went to change into their swimsuits.

Marinette sighed as she felt her toes relish the warm sand surrounding her feet. The class trudged on to and from the bathroom to finish changing and set everything up.

"Doesn't the beach look amazing, girl?" Alya asked with a large smile in apprehension.

"I know! I can't wait! Come on let's go change."

"Here's your swimsuit," Alya said with a sly smile that worried Marinette. She handed her a bag with what looked like a Ladybug swimsuit.

Marinette lightly chuckled at the irony of the swimsuit but proceeded to take the bad from her best friend's hand.

The two walked into separate stalls. Marinette discretely pulled Tikki out of her pocket and pulled the swimsuit out of the bag after motioning to the small kwami to stay quiet.

She glowered at seeing the bikini in her hands. "Alya," The black haired girl growled out.

The brunette in a seperate stall gulped loudly and walked out of her stall and the bathroom quickly.

"I told you. You need to show of your body!" She said nervously after hearing the venom in her best friend's voice. As she walked out she grumbled quietly, "I can't believe I didn't know you had abs until a week ago."

Marinette rolled her eyes at her best friend and hugged quietly. She quickly stripped and put on the Ladybug swimsuit while Tikki looked away. She glanced at herself through a mirror in the stall she was in. The scars on her back and stomach were quite visible with the bikini on.

"Tikki, I'm not sure I should go out. What will they say about my scars?"

"It'll be fine Marinette." The small spotted kwami comforted her holder. "You deserve to have some fun that isn't held back by your duties as my holder. If anyone asks just come up with some excuse. But for now I think you should wear the cardigan you were wearing earlier."

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