Meet Adrienette

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Ok, this one shot is basically like those Meet Percabeth one shots that everyone writes who are fans of Percy Jackson. So I really wanted to this because I thought it was going to be really fun to write and I haven't seen anyone try one of these with Adrienette. So basically they're a couple but Adrien's at an American high school for the year. Hawkmoth's already defeated.

Adellie's POV

"Hey sweetie! Wanna go out with me?" Gabriella said as she stood in front of my best friend, Adrien. She had been asking him out ever since he had joined the school, so for almost a year now.

It was clear that Adrien was fed up with it but he just put on a strained smile and said, "I don't like you and I never will! And I also have a girlfriend!"

Gabriella put a hand on his chest and slowly slid her hand down will bending so he would see her cleavage and said, "Even if your imaginary girlfriend exists, she wouldn't know!"

Adrien wrinkles his eyes with distaste and took a deep breath and said, "No! For the last time I don't like you!"

I was shocked. He never actually blew up with anyone. I always thought he was really nice.

He looked at me and asked, "You believe that my girlfriend is real, right?"

"Of, course!" I said with a comforting smile.

Truth be told, I never believed that his girlfriend was real. I mean it was obvious that "the girlfriend" was just a defense mechanism against all the ladies who want him. A small part of the reason I don't believe him may be because I have a crush on him. Just a teensy weensy, small one. Okay, who am I kidding? I have a huge crush on him. I can maybe even throw in the "L" word.

-Time Skip to the End of the Day- By: Leo Flamin' Valdez, The Supreme Commander of the Argo ll-

"Ugggh," I said as I trudged out of the school with Adrien walking with me. "Finally! School's over for the week and now we have THE WEEKEND!"

"Lol! I'm so excited! My girlfriend's finally coming this weekend!" Adrien shouted, filled with excitement.

"She's real?" I questioned not able to keep my mouth shut.

"Of course she's real! I thought you believed me?!" He actually looked hurt and I felt so bad.

"Sorry! I just thought you made her up for the popular girls who keep asking you out." I felt bad but raged that he actually had a girlfriend who wasn't me. Maybe he was just trying to make me jealous. Yeah! That's it! He's trying to make me jealous.

Adrien sighed and said, "It's okay."

"Are those clothes form MDC?" I asked in confusion and surprise. I've always wanted one of her clothes because they're so pretty and practical but they're really expensive.

Adrien smirked and said, "Yeah." Woah woah woah. Adrien smirked! But it was just so dreamy.

Suddenly a (insert fancy car name because author here can't choose) rolled up as the students began leaving in carpools or in their own cars. Everyone stopped and watch the car roll up.

It drove right in front of Adrien and I and everyone strayed staring at us. The car window rolled down and a beautiful girl who had dark blue hair and pretty bluebell eyes was staring out. All the girls began growing jealous of her and all the guys just wanted to kiss those plump, pink, soft lips.

"Agreste! You coming?" She yelled at my Adrien. How could she say that? It's not like Adrien would just go with her!

Adrien's jaw dropped as he saw her. When she asked if he was coming he stood up, ran to her and full on kissed her though the open window.

What? I thought he liked me and was trying to make me jealous! Ugggh. That's not fair! All the pretty girls get the guys.

I stomped over to the lip locked couple and pulled them apart. The girl looked confused and looked at me. When she saw me she started glaring at me and so did Adrien.

"What the hell was that, Adellie?!" He said.

"Why were you kissing her? I thought you liked me!" I said in pure surprise.

He looked disgusted. He stared at me and said, "I don't like you! I love my girlfriend and I thought you knew that!"

The girl in the car said, "What's your name?"

"Adellie." I stated proudly. Maybe she would give him up for me!

"Well Adellie," she said sweetly. "Adrien isn't coming back to this school or country ever again for anything other than business trips."

I was shocked he hadn't told me that. And from his jaw dropped look, he hadn't known either.

"What?"I cried out, the same time a heard a, "Yes!"

I looked to see who yelled and saw that it was actually Adrien who said that. I didn't know that he hated it in America so much.

"Well, I guess I'm leaving. I'll totally miss being here," he said while trying to look sad but his eyes were shining, making him look like a huge liar. Awww! Maybe he'll miss me and run away from wherever he's going to be with me!

"Kitty, it's so obvious that you're faking." The girl said. How rude! He so wasn't lying,

"Hehe! You're right! I so won't miss this place. See ya losers!" Adrien said. I was right! Wait, he was lying? How could he do that? I loved him!

The whole school was watching our interaction and now everybody hates me for trying to destroy the couple so I've moved down to the bottom of the social ladder and everyone hates me. From then on I learned not to mess with any couples, especially Adrienette.

Hey guys! I'm not dead! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been working on so many one shots at once and I never finish them. I'm so thankful for you readers that have helped me get this book to almost 600 reads. This is awesome!
I was also wondering if anyone would you know just say hi to this comment. Or just say anything to let me know that people actually like my stories and read them.

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