Secret Dating

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I read something similar to this but the only similar parts are the when and the beginning. I changed a lot of the ending but I don't remember which book and who wrote it so if you know please comment. Anyway, thank you guys so much for 380+ reads!!!

"Hey Als! Hey Nino!" Marinette said, greeting her best friend and her brother like friend.

"Hey you two! Did you guys come together? Omg that is so cute!" Alya squealed excited about her ship slowly sailing.

Marinette blushes and mumbled out a, "Yes."

"Eeeeh! Kk, anyway I want to have a competition. Today whoever collects more candy has to confess to their crush. We'll be off in pairs. You two versus us two!" Alya said, hoping to see her ship sail.

"Do we have to? Why can't Halloween just be calm and filled with joyful candy?" Marinette whined.

"No. We have to do this. We'll meet back here at the Eiffel Tower at midnight to count." Alya said. She was very stubborn whenever her OTP came into picture.

"Do us guys have no say in this?" Adrien asked with an unamused look on his face.

"Nope!" Alya started proudly.

Adrien grumbled incoherent curses under his breath.

"Calm down Adrien! You just have to get used to it!" Nino said. He was so used to stubborn Alya that he just went along with everything she said nowadays. He knew she shouldn't be allowed to have that kind of control on him but that girl was one stubborn mule!

"Fine. We're going in 3, 2, 1." Marinette said as they ran off to collect candy.

The pairs ran as fast as they could running up to as many houses as fast as possible showing up out of breath. Throughout their perilous journey of getting the most clad they had heard lot's of "aren't you two too old to be going out to get candy during Halloween?" which made Mari mad who always replied with a "you can never be too old to get Halloween candy!"

They slowly yet quickly made their way back to the Eiffel Tower while cramming in a few extra houses to collect a higher amount of candy.

Once both pairs arrived at the Eiffel Tower just as the clock struck 12:00 they walked to a bench nearby and began counting. Marinette and Adrien, together, had gotten 718 candies but Alya and Nino had gotten 756 together. Marinette's face drooped saddened and not looking forward to confessing.

But then suddenly she put on a bright smile and began thinking. Alya was confused. Marinette had always out off confessing to Adrien but now she seemed excited?

"Get to it!" Alya yelled at Marinette forcing her to confess.

"Ok!" Marinette yelled back. Now Alya was even more confused. Marinette was excited?

Marinette turned to Adrien's on the bench with a soft smile and said, "Je t' aime, kitty."

Alya's jaw dropped. Since when had she come to love him and why was she so confident and why did she call him kitty? A million questions ran through her head and she just about missed what happened next.

"Je t' aime, M'Lady." Adrien replied back softly while caressing her cheeks.

They slowly pushed their lips together in a quick kiss and pulled back, staring into each other's eyes. Then they turned to Alya and Nino who both had their jaws wide open, smirked and said in unison, "Close your mouths, you'll catch flies."

Nino's mouth just kept open ending and closing like a gaping fish and Alya began mumbling some gibberish.

Alya then focused herself and turned to them and aksed, "Who-Wha-When?"

The pair turned to each other and laughed. They grabbed each other's soldiers to keep from falling and full on erupted into laughter and giggles.

Marinette turned to Alya and said, "We've been dating for about two months now. Neither of us know how you guys didn't find out!"

Alya began looking pike a gaping fish like Nino. First of all she didn't know how Marinette could've kept that a secret from her and second of all since when did her ship sail without her knowing.

Then she just realized, her ship had sailed.

Her ship had sailed.


Alya stood up and yelled in giddy, "Adrienette is CANON!" And author over here agreed.

Thanks again for so many reads!
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