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This was a fun idea I've been wanting to write this one shot for a while and I've finally gotten to it. This might be short, idk cuz I haven't started writing yet. I hope you enjoy! Thank you guys so much for 1k reads!!! I never thought that so many people would read my writing. There is a 1k special coming out soon and I'm hoping to get it to over 1000 words. In this one shot Marinette and Adrien have been dating for about a month but wanted to keep it hidden because Ladynoir just happened and people might get suspicious.

"Ugggh," Marinette groaned. She didn't want to get up especially in the morning. She decided that she should marry sleep. It's her best friend and now it should be more.

"Come on, Mari! You have to wake up! We have school!" Adrien prodded her repeatedly, trying to wake her up and get ready before they were both late.

Marinette groaned and rolled over on top of her warm boyfriend. "I'm tired and cold. You're warm. Back to bed."

She spoke in short sentences to get herself back to sleep. Adrien took notice of this and tried a new tactic. When Marinette opened her eyes again she realized she was being bounced in Adrien's arms while being held bridal style on the balcony.

"Ahhhh! No! I'm up! Put me down!" Marinette yelled and screamed while struggling out of his strong grip. He chuckled and put her down gently knowing she was fully awake.

Adrien went to the guest bathroom to get ready we'll Marinette freshened up in her own. She washed her face and added a quick coat of lip gloss. When she came out, she noticed Adrien's hoodie lying on her bed.

She realized he must've put it there for her to where since she was cold. It was pretty sweet of her kitty to do that. She quickly slipped on the cozy hoodie and snuggled into it while sitting on her chair while waiting for Adrien.

Adrien smirked as he saw her and said, "You liked the hoodie?"

She snuggled in even more and sighed in pleasure. "It's so comfy and warm! Thank you, kitty!"

"Your welcome Buginette!" Adrien replied back, excited that she liked his hoodie.

They left the bakery with Adrien hugging her close to his side as a protective stance. They weren't sure when they should release their relationship since it might seam suspicious yet it seemed relatively obvious. They shared thoughts about it being a great time but neither knew how to bring up the topic.

The walked to school huddled close together, giving each other warmth. They trudged on into Ms.Busier's classroom and sat in their seats. But instead of taking their own seats Marinette stole Nino's and leaned her head against her Kitty's shoulder.

Soon the rest of the class filed in staring at the cute couple, almost drifting off and took many pictures. They all stayed silent to fan girl at the cute moment until Alya came in and noticed something that no one else had.

She walked in and squealed at the sight in front of her. She began rapidly jumping up and down, excited that her favorite ship and become canon just after Ladynoir.

Marinette, feeling slightly woozy from her lack of sleep shook her head and looked up. She noticed where she was and looked around to see all her classmates looking with huge grins at them.

She blushed lightly and noticed Alya in front of her jumping up and down, while mouthing something that looked like, "Adrienette is Canon!" but she wasn't too sure.

Then Alya stopped fangirling to grill them befor class started and it just so happened that Ms. Borgueis (I don't remember how to spell it!) wasn't coming because of something to do with a kid coughing on her from across the classroom. It was definitely a classic but all were happy that she decided today would be a great day to use that trick.

"How long have you been dating?" Alya asked seriously.

Nino, who had come in with Alya asked, "They're dating? How'd you know?"

Everyone else looked at Alya with questioning eyes and she slapped her forehead while groaning in annoyance. "She's wearing his sweatshirt!"

They all looked at the sweatshirt I was wearing and realized it was the same one Adrien was wearing the day before.

I burrowed deeper into the hoodie and Alya rolled her eyes at everyone's cluelessness and said, "You haven't answered sky question yet? How long have you guys been dating?"

"Maybe, a month?" Marinette said, hoping that Alya wouldn't get mad at her for not telling her.

"A month?!" Alya shrieked while Marinette nodded. "And you didn't tell me?"

"We didn't want to tell anyone yet." Marinette said sheepishly, while looking guilty. "We were actually planning on telling you guys last week but we didn't know how."

Alya nodded, understanding why they chose to hid their relationship. Suddenly she came to a realization and a bright smile won over her face. She shot an excited look at the class.

"Adrienette is CANON!!! Bring out the t-shirts!" Alya whooped. She could finally bring out her most treasure piece of merchandise. Her Adrienette t-shirt.

Marinette raised her eyebrow. "There's t-shirts now?"

Alya nodded proudly while Adrien asked, "They have Adrienette t-shirts? And what's Adrienette?"

Marinette looked at him with a smirk. "It's Alya's ship name for us. And they already made keychains, headbands, socks, necklaces, and so many more things for Adrientte, I'm actually surprised they didn't do t-shorts until now."

Adrien choked on air, hacking loudly while trying to regain his cool. "What?"

"Yup!" Alya stated, while pridky pulling all the souvenirs out of bins in the back of the classroom. "We've been planning to sell these ever since we began shipping you two. When you guys become a famous power couple we'll make loads of money."

Adrien and Marinette blushed at the mention of progressing that far into the future. Then Adrien smirked and turned to Marinette and said, "We'll be better than a power couple we'll be a super couple."

Marinette groaned and slapped her forehead.

Hey guys! So I couldn't really figure out how to end this but I did what I could and I hope you like it. I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in a long time, it's just been really busy getting ready for school since it started last week. Thanks so much for 1100 reads and my 1k special will be coming out soon!

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