Mean Mari

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Adrien groaned and slammed his head against the desk. He was up late patrolling with Ladybug as Chat and couldn't get any sleep. He had just walked into the class and sat down next to Nino. Like always he was early and him, Alya, and Nino were waiting for the usual late comer to run in.

Surprisingly at that moment, Marinette waltzed right in with a tiredly proud smile resting on her face. She was happy that she finally woke up early even if it was only because Tikki decided to scream in her ear.

When Alya saw her best friend waltz right in she said, "Am I hallucinating or is Mari actually early?"

"Very funny, Als."

She sat right in her desk and waited for the rest of the students as well as Ms.Busier walk in.

Nino started looking through his notes and realized that one of his worksheets were 3/4 completed. He nudged Adrien and said, "Hey dude can you help me with this worksheet I didn't finish?"

Adrien feeling exceptionally cranky and tired said, "I don't care. I just want to sleep before Ma.Busier gets here and it's your fault you didn't so your homework so go do it on your own."

Nino froze as he knew what was coming.

Marinette lifted her head to make eye contact with Agreste Jr. and said, "Well Agreste, a lot of people have crabby morning but that's no excuse to be especially rude to your best friend. He's been with you through thick and thin and you just go on and be super rude?"

"I didn't ask you did I?" Adrien said still in a sleepy haze.

"No you didn't Agreste. You didn't ask for anything fell then f you. I will always defend my friends."

A few seconds after that Adrien snapped out of his sleepy haze and Ms.Busier walked in. He realized what he did and said, "I'm so sorry Nino I was just so tired and grumpy."

"It's ok dude. I get that you were cranky."

"By the way, what the hell did Mari say?"

Nino snickered and said, "You have been approached by Mean Mari. She becomes Mean Mari when people offend her friends or make people feel sad."

Adrien noticed that her mean state was similar to that of Ladybug but he knew that it was probably just a coincidence. But he had to admit Mean Mari was kind of hot.

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