Never Practice In Front of a Mirror

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Adrien took a deep breath and paced around his and Marinette's apartment, taking deep breaths. Plagg flew along side him cackling at his panicked state as well as feeling a sense of pride that his kitten had gotten so far.

"Maybe I should practice again?" Ha asked himself.

"I don't think you need to kid. You've already practiced enough and the speech sounds great." Plagg said in his nasally voice, trying to reassure Adrien.

Adrien quickly walked to the bathroom, straight to the mirror. "I'm going to practice one last time." He said, firmly.

"Ugggggh!" Plagg groaned. "That's what you said the last ten thousand times!"

"I did but it needs to be perfect!" Adrien said.

He ur on a charming smile and got on his knee in front of the mirror. He looked directly into his eyes on the mirror and began saying his proposal aloud. "Marinette. We've both gone through tough times in life but stuck together. You'll always be the light to my darkness and I'll be the light in yours. You are the most kind hearted and beautiful person I've met and I love you so, so much. Will you do the honor of marrying me?"

"Of course!" An amused voice piped up from behind him.

Adrien's jaw dropped and he turned around to see Marinette leaning on the side of the door with an amused grin.

"W-What?" He asked in pure confusion.

Marinette grinned again. "I said yes, you silly cat!

As he was trying to grip the moment Marinette burst into laughter. "You-giggle- really shouldn't-giggle practice in front of a mirror-giggle snort- while I'm in the-giggle- house."

Adrien frowned. "But you weren't home. And then you appeared behind me at the perfect moment."

"Oh mon Chaton." Marinette sighed, with an amused tone. "I was home the entire time! I heard you endless pacing from downstairs and wondered what you were up to. So I can up to see you practicing. Besides, I already saw the ring."

Adrien was jaw dropped by the end of her statement. It was supposed to be a surprise! And she had already seen the ring! "B-how-whe-What?" He stuttered our in pure shock.

"I was already home." Marinette summarizes slowly. "And I heard you so I came up to check what you were doing only to see you proposing to a mirror."

"Yeah I got that." Adrien said not paying attention completely, while still in a phase of confusion. "What was that you said after?"

"Oh. I already saw the ring?" Marinette said, confused as to what he was asking.

"You already saw the ring?!" Adrien said in sadness in shock.

Marinette looked unamused and amused at the same time. She was amused he didn't expect her to find it but unamused at his ridiculous hiding spot. "You hid it in your boxer drawer, when I'm the one who does all the folding!"

He crossed his arms with a frown. He was sad she found out everything's early and nothing went as planned but still had one question. "So you meant it when you said yes?"

"Of course!" Marinette yelled out. "Did you think I wouldn't say yes?"

Marinette noticed as he gulped with a guilty look plastered on his face. She faked a sad face and cried out with a fake quivering voice, "You didn't think I would say yes? So are you saying that you weren't planning on marrying me?"

Adrien's heart broke and he tried to heal what he said, hoping he hadn't made a huge mistake. "Of course! Of course I was just worried. You know how men get there scares and they are really hesitant and uncertain? And scared?"

His tone was so hopeful that Marinette's fake attitude cracked and she burst into a fit of laughter. She tumbled and clutched Adrien's shoulder after seeing his shocked and confused face, much like the one from earlier.

"Of course you were nervous! All men get nervous at that stuff! Besides do you think I would ever say that?" Marinette asked, still giggling.

Adrien)s face turned into one of playful fury. "You tricked me!" He yelled out before tackling her onto the couch.

He started tickling her all over from head to toe, resulting in her giggly, squirmy fit to get him off. She punched kicked and did everything she could but he kept dodging her off handed throws from all the tickling, making her extremely weak.

"Say your sorry!" Adrien commanded.

Marinette shook her head furiously before bursting into laughter from another tickling session from Adrien. "Stop it! Stop! Stooooop!" She squealed out.

"Not until you say your sorry!" Adrien said firmly, refusing to stop.

"Fine! Fine! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Now stop!" Marinette screamed out after having enough of the tickling.

He stopped before Adrien gently bendedmover Marinette's face and gave her a sweet peck before lifting her off the couch bridal style and onto the bed for a nap as he could see that she was tired.

She was gently placed onto the bed next to Adrien who got in next to her. She curled up to his warmth and he wrapped an arm around her.

He suddenly groaned out loud. "I had a whole evening planned out just to propose!"

Marinette chuckles and said, "Well we can still do it and I'll act surprised when you propose."

Adrien grumbled some things, relating to how hard he worked so she on the evening under his breath before saying, "Fiiiiiiiine..."

Marinette cuddled into him again and they both drifted off.

Hey ya'll! This one shot was so close to 1000 words but I didn't really have anything else to write and I sort of made up as I went on this one so I hope you like it. Thanks you guys so much for over 4.12k reads and 171 votes! This is awesome! Yes I have started my 5k one shot so I'm hoping the timing will workout and I can actually post it on time this time. It's been so busy for me though, with school, volleyball, online classes, dance, piano, and messing around with one of my best friends. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the one shot!

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