Chapter 8

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It took us almost one hour to find a jewelry shop near the hotel we'd checked in. I had a hard time catching up to Hyunwoo's pace because of the natural big steps he makes when walking. Because of this, he laughed at me which made me annoyed.

At first, I couldn't find a certain bracelet that will surely like by my mom because almost every bracelets I see are beautiful. I never expected that choosing would be this hard for me so I seeked for the help of the seller so I ended up buying what was her suggestion. After accomplishing a task, I approached Hyunwoo who seemed determined to buy one, too.

"This bracelets are designed for lovers, Sir. Giving this to someone means that you're allowing that someone to hold the key of your heart. You can give this one to any of your special someone and I assure you that whoever receives this will surely love it." The seller did sales talk to him. The two bracelets she was showing are in metallic silver. The one has a heart pendant while the other one has a key pendant. The diamond crystals design gave shines to the sides of the pendants. They looked simple but elegant.

"Hyung, will you buy them?" I questioned as I poked him.

"Mm." He answered without hesitations. "I'll take these two." He said to the seller.

"Sure. Kindly wait for a moment Sir." The seller said with a smile.

"Woah. Did you really buy them? But to whom are you going to give the other pair? She said it's for lovers only." I covered my mouth in an instant. "Don't tell me you already have a girlfriend, hyung?" he just answered me with laughters. What's the meaning of that? I wanted him to answer me seriously.

Soon we left the shop and I fell on silence. My mood has changed after he bought those bracelets and as of now, he couldn't tell me who is the lucky girl. What annoyed me more, each bracelet costs almost eighteen thousands korean won. How special is that girl to him and he can buy such expensive bracelets without thinking twice?

"Why are you so quiet Kihyuniee?"

"I just feel hungry." I said without even looking at him. "Can we go back to hotel now?" I didn't wait for his answer as I walked quicker than him.


"Woah! Chicken!" Minhyuk yelled as he was served with a chicken meal. "Kihyuniee! You're favorite."

"Yeah Minhyuk. I can see it." I knew he noticed my weak voice. But I couldn't control myself, still feeling pissed.

Tomorrow is our performance in Cotai Arena so we grab our dinner as early as seven in the evening to sleep early. Minhyuk was sitting at my left side while Wonho hyung was at my right then beside Wonho hyung was Hyungwon. We're facing I.M, Jooheon and Hyunwoo.

I could see Hyunwoo at the front so I kept looking at his side where I.M was sitting.

"Oh! Wuju sonyeon!" Jooheon squealed causing us to looked around. The whole members of WJSN were at the near table except for their leader, Exy. She was talking with someone over the phone.

"They're all pretty, aren't they?" I.M commented. I was curious to Hyunwoo's reaction when I.M said that. I felt relieved when I saw him focusing on his meal instead of paying attention to them. At least, he's not that interested.

A sudden thought came in my head, about this unknown girlfriend. Maybe he was just trying to be loyal by having no interest to these pretty girls? I haven't confirmed it yet if he really does have a girlfriend but isn't it obvious? Oh shut up Kihyun.

A noise from WJSN table caught our attention again. It seemed like they were teasing their leader Exy as she turned her phone off.


What the fuck?

The bracelet she's wearing!

I unconsciously smacked my chopsticks to the table, catching my friends' attentions.

"Kihyuniee?" Wonho asked.

"Sorry. I'll go back first. I'm feeling unwell." I felt Hyunwoo hyung gazed on me as I turned my back to them.

"Ahm. Sleepwell Kihyunie! We love you! " I guessed that's Mihyuk.

I ran to the bed the moment I entered our room. Now I know. Exy's his girlfriend. That bracelet he bought from the shop a while ago. I couldn't be wrong. It's the same design that Hyunwoo bought and she's wearing the one with key pendant.

It hurts.

Shit. Kihyun! Be a man! Ugh

So what if he gave the other pair to Exy? What does that mean? I remembered what the seller said again.

"Giving this to someone means that you're allowing that someone to hold the key of your heart..."

So Exy is that special person he wanted to have that key of his heart? I realized tears were falling onto the pillow. Were those coming from my eyes? Hahaha it shouldn't be...

Argh! Hyung! It hurts a lot.

I threw punches to the pillow where my teardrops fell.

Son Hyunwo! Shit. I hate you so much. For real.


A/N: One more chapter and I'm done translating. The fact that I ult Hyungwon but I didn't give him more lines here. lol xD

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