chapter 10:

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"let's spread out fast, we don't have much time" i said, chan and jisung nodded as we split to go search for y/n. at this point i was worried sick for her, this is all my fault. if i didn't let her go,
"changbin you're so stupid why did you let
her— oh no" i say as i saw one of the people who were looking for y/n. he came up to me and i panicked so i started running, the man grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "l-let g-go" i managed time get out, "where is kim y/n?" he asked me. "don't know who you're talking about" i said as i finally pulled my shit together.

"don't lie i saw you with her—" he was about to say and i cut him off, "you spied on me? how dare you" i said and he looked confused. "invasion of privacy is completely illegal" (fuck you dispatch) "and what proof do you have?" he asked. "this" i say as i pulled out my phone which was recording his voice. i smirked and said "i always keep this rolling, you'll never know when someone does something—" "just tell me where she is" he said sternly but he looked scared.

"look buddy i have no idea where she is" i say and his brows furrowed, he looked mad. "WHERE IS THE GIRL SO I CAN GET THIS OVER WITH" he yelled, "I TOLD YOU I DONT FUCKING KNOW" i yelled back.

(kyung's pov)
"good job kyung" he muttered and sent me off, this is all my fault. y/n's gonna die, c-cause of m-me. my head was full of thoughts i could barely think straight. "kyung, come here" i heard my father say from across the hallway, i started walking and put my head down in shame as all of this was because of me.

"have they found her yet?" he asked me and spun his chair to face me, "n-not yet father" i responded. "do you know anyone she's close with?" he asked, i started thinking and remembered she doesn't have anyone which only made the guilt grow even more. he slammed his fist against the table and i flinched. "she has no one" i replied back in fear, "we aren't gonna get her at this pace" he sounded frustrated.

"why are we even doing this?" i asked, "tsk tsk tsk, you really don't remember do you?" he told me. "might not as well get rid of the girl to have a better friendship with changbin" he added, "so what if she is? i don't care can't we just end this?" i finally got the courage to ask. "why end it now when we've just started?"

(changbin's pov)
"LOOK I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE SHE IS NOW LET ME GO" i yelled at the guard, "JUST TELL ME SO I CANT GET OVER THIS SHIT" he yelled back. "for fucks sake man i don't know where she is" i said once more before walking off,

i went towards an alleyway near my apartment and started searching for her there, "changbin-ah its all your fault you can't find her" i said as i kicked away all the leaves and garbage. i was frustrated,sad and confused and i really wanted to find her. i didn't want to call out her name as it would draw some attention to her so i decided to call jisung and chan if they found her.

"hyung!" i heard someone yell in the distance, as i was about to jisung i saw him running towards me, "shhhh you're going to get us caught" i whispered and he immediately shut up. surprising right? i know, we started walking even more through the alleyway in the search of y/n. "i'll call chan hyung" i muttered and jisung nodded his head, the phone was ringing but not answer. i tried calling him over and over again but he wouldn't pick up,

"hyung what do we do?" he asked scared. "i honestly don't know jisung but now we have to look for both chan and y/n" i said while grabbing his arm dragging him out of there, jisung and i walked for a few minutes and noticed something across the street. "c-chan hyung?" jisung stuttered, chan was being held up by one of the guards and neither of us had any idea what to do.

until i remembered that recording on my phone, is the guard naive and will let him go? we don't know. even the author doesn't know they're stupid, (hey shut up stop ruining the story changbin) back to the point. i tried walking over to him but jisung stopped me, "hyung you're dead meat if you go up to him" "trust me i'll handle it" i said before shaking off his hand from my arm.

i walked up while my phone was recording to see chan held up, "changbin get out of thi—" he was about to say. "look here, let him go or else" i said sternly, he scoffed and said "what makes you think i'll do that?". "this recording, damn y'all are so naive these days it's getting boring" i smirked while waving the camera in his face. "look just don't tell the police" he said scared, "let him go then" i say and he immediately let chan go.

"dude i haven't seen you record an incident since highschool" chan laughed, i shrugged and said "i dunno i do this all the time, you just don't know" i smiled and chan playfully punched my arm. jisung ran to us and he looked so relieved, "CHAN HYUNG CHANGBIN HYUNG" he yelled and chan shushed him,
(kyung's pov)
i laid on my bed feeling so much guilt that y/n might die cause of me, the anxiety was overwhelming so i couldn't even get any sleep. i looked at the clock and it was 2:00 am, i still haven't heard anything from changbin,chan nor jisung so i decided to call them. changbin picked up to phone and i could hear him panicking, "you didn't find y/n did you?" i asked."no shit dude chan hyung almsot got strangled by one of them" he answered, "i'm so sorry" he apologized. "you better be" he laughed trying not to sound to concerned.

before any of us could say anything else i heard my dad yell, "WHERE IS SHE I WANT HER DEAD?!" i heard their gasps through the phone and i tried calming them down. "c-calm d-down w-we'll f-fjnd her" i tried lifting the mood,
(changbin's pov)
"WHERE IS SHE?" i yelled in frustration, i was so worried about her. i know i couldn't think straight before but this time it was really bad, i was having a headache. i dropped the phone and jisung caught it as i tried massaging my head from the pain, "HYUNG ARE YOU CRAZY?" he yelled. "i-i shouldn't have let her go" i said while in pain, "changbin you don't look so good let's go back to the apart—" i cut him off. "i will find her and no ones gonna stop me" i replied walking off, i suddenly bumped into someone and looked up.

"are you sure about that?"

(a/n: i had exams for the past two weeks so i couldn't post but guess who's back now :D)

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