chapter: 17

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"i just gotta find a way to get rid of him, i mean agh i don't know i love him and i don't want him to suffer even more cause of me so better yet i kill him, so he won't feel pain anymore." y/n sighed to herself, "i-i p-promise you don't have to feel pain anymore binnie" she groaned in disgust, what has changbin done to her? she's gone completely soft and a few seconds ago she was gonna kill him with her own hands without chan and jisung's notice but now there's guilt eating her up inside slowly but surely taking over her thoughts one by one the percentage growing higher and higher as time passes by. one second feeling like a minute and one minute feeling like an hour and so on and so forth,

"y/n baby you seem to have a lot on your mind right now need help love?" changbin looked at her innocently, adoring eyes, soft fluffy brown hair and his glasses out of place from lying down. y/n fixed his glasses and tried smiling "i cant do this anymore" the smile fell flat and tears started falling from her eyes. "binnie i cant do it anymore" she sobs helplessly in the arms of her lover practically melting in them, "do what baby?" he asked oh so innocently as she continued crying, all she could do was cry and cry tear after tear sniffle after sniffle. she couldn't stop even if she wanted to, "baby i'm so sorry" she kissed him ever so sweetly. changbin left perplexed and caught off guard, and obviously he kissed back. the kiss that changbin will always remember, even though the tears welled up in the love of his life's eyes it was beautiful and meaningful. the taste of her salty tears and her reminded him of her personality, sweet yet salty. sure she was a bad apple but that didn't stop changbin from opening her up and introducing her heart to love.

"STOP KISSING IN FRONT OF US THATS GROSS" jisung whined again and chan was redder than ever, "JISUNG YOU PIECE OF SHIT YOU SCARED ME" y/n jumped off of changbins lap holding her heart in panic. "jisung, don't be a hypocrite now" chan sternly stated and jisung immediately was weak on his knees (knees weak arms are heavy there's vomit on his sweater already ma's(?) spaghetti) jisungs face immediately turning red and turned around to rest his head on the crook of chan's neck and let out an awkward laugh. "DONT TELL ME YALL KISSED OH MY GOSH" changbin jumped up and down as y/n formed a weak smile on her face in attempt to show she was indeed happy for the two. chan smirked looking down at jisung who was about to combust any second now, "YOU DID" changbin laughed and clapped in excitement and y/n's smile started getting bigger and wider even though the pain inside her was unbearable.

"CHAN AND JISUNG SITTING ON A TREE" changbin started yelling in excitement, "YAH HYUNG" jisung stomped and changbin started laughing "T-A-L-K-I-N-G" he started laughing even more and jisung clicked his tongue in annoyance, "AND THEN THEY-" changbin started yelling again. "WE GOTTA FIND A WAY HOME" y/n yelled bluntly, "were already close to the main part of town y/n have you been seeing things?" chan pointed out to the subway station, all y/n could do was make her jaw drop, it felt like her eyes were deceiving her she could've sworn they weren't moving an inch. t-theyve taken over her...

"WHAT DAY IS IT?" she panicked and went to check her phone, "wow y/n so smart asking what time it is then going to check your phone" jisung laughed and y/n couldn't believe her eyes. "it's august 12th" they could've sworn y/n's jaw kept dropping, changbin shut y/n's mouth before it would get stuck that way. "have you lost sense of time?" changbin asked holding her hand, "i think so" she chuckled in confusion and continued walking.

"are everyone's cards filled or have enough money?" chan asks reassuringly as they arrived to the station, "mines full" the rest say in sync as they step on to the train. "wow, doesn't this look like the train we met on?" changbin looked around smiling, "dumb bitch all the trains look the same" they exchanged laughs. "nooo look at that" he pointed to a drawing on a different seat, "see i wrote spearb behind this seat when you were going through my notebook" changbin shyly admitted, "so you wanted to remember our meeting?" y/n joked around smiling and giggling. "nope i was just bored" changbin cackled hitting the back of an empty seat in front of him, jisung and chan looked at the two having a great time. "channie hyung" jisung confessed, the older hummed in response. "i love you" jisung looked at him quiet lovingly and before he could say anything else, chan presses his lips onto jisung's embracing the younger gently.

"EW STOP KISSING IN FRONT OF US" they were interrupted by changbin whining like a toddler impersonating jisung and they all giggled. "but for real our stops here" they all got off the train and stretched. "agh finally back in the shitty incheon" changbin yawned and grabbed y/n's hand and ran up the stairs to reveal the city, the same old city they've been at for years and years with no regrets. at least for changbin, they walked around seeing the places they were used to seeing everyday, the 7/11, the restaurant next to the 7/11, and y/n's dreadful house. "will you greet your father?" the words cause y/n's spine to shiver and they walked away as fast as they possibly could.

the 4 finally stopped by an alleyway nobody was in to take rest, y/n didn't want to show her face to the public in fear people would do the same thing. they loitered around for 10 minutes, the 3 boys started getting tired of waiting but they still had to wait for y/n cause who knows who's gonna get her.

y/n looked around and saw a faint image of what it looked like to be a person holding a gun? "FUCK" she yelled and pushed chan off to the side as the bullet hit the building they leaned on.


(a/n: next chapter will be the finale, wowie already? haha i hope you enjoyed this as much as i enjoyed writing it)

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