chapter 13:

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(no ones pov)
"y/n please wake up, please" changbin begged as the unconscious girl was in his arms. he was desperate at this point not knowing if she'll be able to wake up but he's still trying, he misses her. he misses her more than you think he does. "we have to take her to the hospital, she's been unconscious for almost an entire day there's no way we can wake her up on her own" changbin hated to admit it but chan was right. he didn't want to lose her and that it was best to take her to a hospital.

despite his skinny figure changbin was quite strong, or y/n's really light. "FUCK" he heard jisung yell, "jisung language" chan stated while going through his phone to find the nearest hospital. "what now jisung?" he asked struggling to walk with her on his back.

(y/n's pov)
i woke up to the sound of bickering only to see i was on changbins back with the boys. "HOLY MOLY GUACA FUCKING MOLE" i heard jisung yell as he pointed at me, the sun was bright so i leaned my head agains changbins neck and squinted. "YOU COULDVE USED THAT OPPORTUNITY TO NOT SWEAR YOU KNOW— HOLY SHIT HES RIGHT" chan yelled. changbin stood there perplexed as the other two stared at him in shocked, i figured it was a good opportunity to scare him so why the fuck not. "AHHHHH" i screamed and changbin flinched causing him to drop me, i stayed on the floor laughing like crazy while changbin was jumping around like a lunatic. "Y/N YOURE A-ALIVE?" he said with his hand over his mouth in disbelief, "not for that long calm down" i scoffed and sighed forming a fake smile on my face.

changbin immediately knew what was going on and let the other two walk ahead as he stayed back walking and talking with me.

(no one's pov)
there was tension between them, a lot of awkward tension but that's not stopping changbin to try and get him to open up. "y/n?"
he asked and she hummed in response, "how did it feel?" he asked carefully not wanting to make her feel worse than she already did. "how did what feel?" she asked, changbin gave her a look and she immediately knew what he was talking about.

"it felt suffocating, a feeling i was used to having in my head was suddenly in real life. i had no idea how to react but accept it even though i knew i shouldn't and-" y/n explained but then stopped talking. changbin was extremely focused on what she was talking about and her face. she's so pretty, the way her hair flows when she walks, the way she laughs, the way she trusts him. and basically everything about her and he loved it. was what he wanted to tell her but he knew that y/n didn't need to hear that right now.

"why'd you stop?" changbin asked giving puppy eyes which caught y/n's heart. she clutched her heart feeling how fast it was beating and started stuttering, "uh uhm s-stop looking a-at me l-like that" she said and facepalmed from embarrassment. changbin looked away too and tried covering his cheeks which were a shade of red.

meanwhile the boys in the front noticed how shy they were with each other, "they're totallly gonna date" chan laughed and jisung faked one. chan noticed how disappointed he looked and asked what's wrong. "i want to thank her but i don't think she'll forgive me" he sighed and looked at chan. "don't worry for sure she'll understand, she knows how much kyung can be manipulative as well" he put his arm around his shoulder and jisung finally smiled after a while.

y/n and changbin still refused to look at each other out of embarrassment and looked like two tomatoes walking while looking away from each other. "moving on-" y/n said and changbin looked at her, changbin nodded and continued to listen "it was a feeling i was used to but more extreme than expected, i thought i could get out that easy but it seemed the demons were more prepared than i thought they would be. it was like being in an ocean trying to stay afloat but suddenly something grabs your leg and tries to pull you under" she explained. "what made you want to escape the ocean? i mean there must've been a motive for you to reach out and fight back, did you finally realize how much you're worth?" changbin asked and y/n stood there flustered as ever. she was too embarrassed to explain the reason and tried to go along with changbins plan but clearly failed. "uh yes i was motivated cause of what you said" she said quietly and hid her face from him. "that's obviously not the reason is it?" changbin asked raising an eyebrow and as much as y/n didn't want to admit it. she nodded and tried telling him the real reason but her words were al mixed up. "i uhm you know when t-there's a particular thing y-you wake u-up for?" she stuttered, she wanted to punch herself so mad but couldn't and just stood there embarrassed for what just came out of her mouth.

"OHH COME ON GET TO THE SHIT— *inaudible noises*" jisung yelled but calm managed to cover his mouth. jisung was moving like crazy trying to break free from his grasp but chan was able to keep him still and stopped moving meaning he finally surrendered and sulked in his arms and chan was yelling back "DONT WORRY ABOUT HIM JUST KEEP TALKING" and dragged jisung further away to give them some space.

changbin facepalmed looking reds than ever, "fuck i'm s-so s-sorry FUCK" he looked away and sighed as y/n was still trying to process what was happening cause she is in fact oblivious "I CAN HEAR YOU" y/n said to the author while she completely ignored her. "hey you still didn't tell me the reason why you decided to break free" changbin tried loosening the awkward tension between them. y/n stood there in silence sweating out of nervousness on what she was gonna say to him. she never felt like this towards anyone before as everyone was just well, everyone. no one stood out to her more than changbin. he's sweet smart and caring and the way he laughed just made y/n feel like she could die peacefully while hugging him. y/n was so lost into her thoughts she zoned out and bumped into another streetlight. "AH SHIT AGAIN?" she yelled and changbin chuckled.

she rubbed her head in pain and remembered what happened the other day. that smile on her face slowly formed into a frown and changbin looked concerned. "earth to y/n?" he tried waving his hand in front of her face as she was still zoned out looking at the clearly damaged streetlight. "changbin to y/n, i repeat changbin to y/n?" he asked still waving his hand in front of her face and she slapped it off. "OW WHAT WAS THAT FOR" he winced and held his hand.

"remember what i told you at the park?"

(a/n: here you go the awaited 13th chapter, i honestly don't know when i'll start wrapping it up but soon <3)

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