Chapter 10 - Beneath His Sheets

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What's this - another scrumptious chapter! [Rated M. Mature readers only]! 

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And the night continues...

How did I end up at this gorgeous man's place? It all seems like a dream as we lay naked beneath the cool sheets of his bed. I'm a woman enraptured, basking in the after glow of perfect oral sex, embedding my fingers into his salt and peppery hair as he continues to alight my senses with his delicious tongue attending my breast.

I'm burning with need to feel him inside me. He lays on top of me, strong yet gentle to my petite frame. His silky wet tip aids the slip as I draw long strokes down his entire length to his base and then back up to palm over his head with increasing enthusiasm. 

handsome, intelligent, articulate, tall with a silkily erotic voice... As if it couldn't get any better, he is blessed with a perfectly mouth watering manhood - a lethal combination. 

His breath shakes as he enjoys the tug between our bodies which I amp up in awe of his size.

"Rebecca, you keep doing that I'm going to come like a bloody teenager."

"Really Mr Rickman, I thought a man of your age would have been well practised in handling your anatomy."

He looks up from tonguing my nipple deadly serious and ridiculously handsome with shaggy hair.

"What do you mean my age, you little shit."

I squeal with laughter as he jabs me in the ticklish place below my ribs. Rolling around in the sheets with his gorgeous man makes me feel so alive, I couldn't explain it even I tried and that was before we had the


Moments later, I'm straddling Alan in sobbing delight against the headboard; his hands are on my backside ensuring the perfect bounce as I completely and utterly loose myself. He is all man, the way he holds me, fucks me – so deep, so primal yet beautifully. My need of him is profound, my moans filling the room in desperate gasps, eyes rolling back at his depth.

Alan's panting as hard as me, except he's as focussed as a wildcat, watching my every expression. Our breathing shakes at the rate we fuck, and my arms wrap around his strong shoulders, clawing at his back.

"Ohhh is that good darling?"

"Everything...! God Alan, I need this...Talk to me..." I moan, pretty sure his voice will send me over the edge.

After years of my compressed desires, my needs failing to be met physically and emotionally by Scott, Alan makes me see stars. His breathing shakes as his every muscle tenses around me.

"Ughhh darling I'm about to fill you up..."

I am all woman. Every ache, every desire, every fantasy is fulfilled as he pulls me into his groin with passionate vigour until I sob in ecstasy when his hot release fills me. Seconds later I fall apart around him, shaking like a leaf.


I didn't want to think about it. I wanted to stay here, beneath his sheets, wrapped in his strong arms on a vat of cosy pillows, my taught muscles resting with his soothing caress as we fall asleep basking in the after glow of a perfect evening spent.

But I couldn't.

My bag. Where was it? Probably in the kitchen where I'd dropped it when I was met with his wickedly sexy gaze and those sensual lips. I imagine my phone vibrating, pinging message after message from Scott. Probably Isabelle, possibly Joe just to take the piss and jab another 'old guy' joke.

Boy if only he knew. Probably shouldn't tell him. Possibly will. No. Definitely shouldn't tell him. Ok have to tell him.

I can already imagine Isabelle asking me to dish the dirt. What time was it anyway? I seemed to have forgotten all sense of everything but my need for the man I was laying next to. The glowing digits on the alarm clock on Alan's side of the bed read 1:45pm. Shit. Shit. Shit. He notices a shift in my relaxed afterglow as I bolt up holding the sheets around my breasts.

"What's wrong?" he asks, laying there effortlessly sexy with an arm propped behind his head.

"It's almost 2am."

"Well thank goodness you didn't arrive in a carriage."


"It'd be a bloody pumpkin by now."

I laugh and he hit him playfully, but he catches my wrist. Something inside of me jolts at this moment, as a horrible flash of Scott enters my mind, but it's soon erased when Alan presses gentle lips to the back of my hand, in every way a contrast.

"I was hoping Cinderella would stay a while."

More like bloody SINderella.

Ugh. Every bloody part of me melts and I can't stand it. What do I do? I can't expect Alan to drive me home, not now, but the consequences of not making it back put me on edge. How would Scott react? The unpredictability of it all causes my head to spin and I can't think straight. Alan's soft lips that are now kissing the back of my shoulders aren't helping said situation, slowly, slowly, toward my neck until he reaches a place that makes me throb.

His kisses raise every single tiny hair on the back of my neck and send my heart fluttering like a moth trapped in a glass jar.

"Why don't you tell your friend you're staying here tonight, hmm?" his voice, so silky smooth. It drives me crazy. How can I refuse.

Gorgeous, silver fox certified sex God wants me to stay with him, surely I can't turn an invitation like that down. Rebecca, you are walking on dangerous ground, I tell myself, except I'm not, I'm bloody floating somewhere amongst the clouds with a gorgeous naked man between my thighs.

Who am I kidding. I'm staying.


My hands fumble into my bag to retrieve the indication of my fate that will no doubt be flashing multiple messages across my phone screen. I stand in the darkness in Alan's kitchen in his bathrobe, the brightness of my phone hits me like a vampire at sunrise as I quickly turn it down. Wine clearly taking effect. Would have served for a hellacious day at work tomorrow. At least it would if I was going.

Stupendous shagathon calls for a sick day, naturally.

2 Messages received from Scott

3 Messages received from Isabelle

2 Message received from Joe

I open Joe's first, just to make me feel better. Some crude joke no doubt. Yep. I see he's strategically arranged symbols to depict a dick emoji. Very clever. 2nd message – "Can he still get it up?"

Cheeky bastard. Definitely have to dish the details now.

Isabelle – "Have a great time with Mr Rickman! You only live once, remember. Snog his face off and then some..."

2nd message – "11:00 – "Beck you forgot your key. I'm gonna crash for a bit. Phone me when you're on your way and I'll give you a ride home."

3rd message – 1:00am "Scott text me and asked when we're leaving the party. What should I say to him??"

Fuck. Sent 45 mins ago. Reluctantly, with a knot in my stomach I check Scott's messages.

11:10am – "Make sure you're home by 12. Important board meeting tomorrow and I can't fuck this up. I don't want you waking me up when you stumble in. Barely fucking slept this week. Boss is busting my balls."


2nd message - "Where the fuck are you! It's almost 2am."

Shit. Double shit.

I call Isabelle.

"Hi," I speak quietly, walking off around the kitchen incase Alan hears.

"Rebecca, how's the date going??"

"Like a dream," I sigh, looking behind to check there's no sign of him. I practically bury the phone into the bathrobe just to talk to her and walk to the furthest end of the kitchen. "Isabelle I need you to do me a huge favour."

She already guesses correctly and we devise a plan where she would text Scott and tell him that I'm staying at hers because I couldn't handle my drink intake.

He's going to bloody love that. I knew I would have to pay for it as soon as I got home, but in this moment I didn't care, all I could think about was the man laying in the other room and how much I wanted to sleep in his arms.

"Ok I'll tell him," she agreed. Her tone then changed with an air of mischief. "Sooo..." I could feel her smile the other end of the phone. "What's he like? You've obviously just had sex, either that or you're about to."

"For the second time when I get off this phone I should imagine," I reply smugly.

Isabelle squeals in my ear. 

Pressing phone against bathrobe.

"Shh ok, gotta go."

"You better spill the details later! Enjoy your shagathon."

Oh I will. 


What now for Rebecca? How will Scott react when she returns home and how will she see continue to see the man who gave her a night to remember?

More coming soon. 

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