Chapter 26 - Taking A Stand

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Oh my God, this chapter was tough to write. I had to research into the law as I had no idea of the procedures that are mentioned in what you're about to read. I really worked hard on this chapter - the longest one yet. At first I found it overwhelming - so much information to put into words, but I'm really happy with the way it turned out. It was emotional to write too. I hope you enjoy it and as always, I'd love to know your thoughts. 

I'd like to say also that your comments and votes mean SO MUCH to me. I'm very grateful. Thank you! 

[Rated M] - sex and sensitive abuse topics 


APRIL 2007

"Darling, look at me," Alan bows his head to look into my eyes, hands either side of my trembling shoulders. "You're going to go in there and you're going to tell them exactly what we've been over. You're going to be calm, focussed..."

As ever, the voice of wisdom throughout this entire fiasco, Alan has been supporting me the whole way. Having absorbed every fact, timeline and statement from myself and my witnesses, I filter into the court room with the rest of the prosecution and allow my uneasy legs to rest, seating myself on the bench.

Calm, concise, compose – Three words that Alan and my lawyer, Jack Benson had embedded into my psyche during the weeks leading up to the trial.

An echoing voice of authority soon fills the courtroom and announces the case number, confirming the preparation on both sides.

"Thank you, you may be seated."

Although I cannot see Scott from where I am on the bench, knowing he is in the room pumps a rush of bubbling blood through my veins as he is addressed. Focus.

"Scott Weatherford, you are charged on the account of sexual assault, contrary to the sexual offences act 2003, section 3, in that you, Scott Weatherford on January 28th, 2007 sexually assaulted the defendant, Rebecca Stone outside The Playhouse Theatre in London's West End. Do you understand?"


"You are also charged with attempted rape under section 1 of the Criminal Attempts act 1981 on the same night in question, with the attempt to commit an offence in which this section applies, do you understand?"


"How do you plead?"

"Not guilty."

I sit up straight, calmly as I can breathing deeply through my nose, repeating my instilled mantra.

After the prosecution statement is delivered, I take to the stand under oath, my eye on the jury when questioned by the barista and deliver my statement of what happened that night. To follow, I am cross-examined by the opposition who attempt to debunk me.

"During the night in question, you said you had threatened to call security as soon as Scott Weatherford entered Mr Rickman's dressing room, however, you did not. You also did not shout for immediate help. Is that correct?"


"Would it be fair to say that you were fully aware, having spent numerous occasions at the Playhouse Theatre, that security were present in the corridors outside the dressing room?"

"Yes," I answer, fighting any instinctive urge to give more. Automatically my brain screams out – but it wasn't like that.

"In your statement you conveyed that you later called out for security. Could what I have previously said be due to the reason that you wished to hear what Scott Weatherford had to say that night and didn't fully object to his presence?"

"That is false. When he entered the room, shock kicked in. I didn't expect it to escalate as it did."

I confirm from further questioning that my voice was raised only when Scott verbalized an attack on Alan and myself with the accusation that I was sleeping with him to get my script seen.

My heart pounds as I speak to the jury during the questioning of the attempted rape. They try to pull apart my facts, claiming that the evidence of fingerprints on my clothing were unreliable as Scott's print traces were mostly on my buttons. These buttons were all fully intact when I had claimed he ripped open my top. They tried to suggest that because his finger-prints were on all buttons and that I hadn't screamed earlier, the sex could have been consensual.

Feeling myself getting worked up, I answer calmly and concisely reiterating what happened and that any touching was non-consensual.

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