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[Edit - The 2nd book is up now titled Mr Rickman!]

[Little message at the end of this chapter]


London's West End, October 2007

It's normal for my heart to flutter this way, I'm sure of it. For all I have overcome, for all I have worked hard for, now is my time. My moment. With Alan by my side, we sit back against the crushed velvet seats of the Playhouse Theatre from the front row. In front of us, a show curtain reads by projection, 'Sweeny Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.' The lights go out and Alan's hand squeezes mine. Opening night. My eyes fall close, uttering a silent prayer all will be well.

"I'm so proud of you," Alan whispers, kissing my cheek.

He brings my hand to his lap and there it stays for the entire duration, gently running a thumb over the back whenever I am overcome with emotion, whenever I am lost in disbelief, that I, Rebecca Stone could accomplish a fully finished script and have it play out before my eyes at London's West End. It is everything I ever dreamed of and more, not just the play, but at this moment, my entire existence.

The play draws to a close, and the cast members come to the front to take their final bows. Each and every one fantastic, inspiring, delivering their performance the way I had envisioned. The sound of erupting applause is enough to bring tears to my eyes. I cannot believe it. The audience love it. Alan affectionately puts his arm round my waist, whispering in my ear.

"Look behind you."

Every single person in the theatre that night was on their feet applauding. Everyone.

It has taken blood, sweat and tears, to be broken and reassembled, but I made it. Here I am - Rebecca Stone, a success.


Multiple stories up, in Central London Alan and I enjoy a celebratory dinner, just the two of us. The view of the glittering night sky from the tall glass panes is breath taking; at least it would be if it got our attention. We only have eyes for each other.

"I'm immensely proud of you darling," he purrs, having poured out a glass of champagne. "You've come so far."

"I couldn't have done it without you."

"It was your work; you just never had the correct circumstances to work in. Your gift was always there. Now, just think of what you can accomplish."

"You think so?"

He cocks his eyebrow, dipping his head low. "I know so."

Beaming, like the bright lights of London, I raise my glass, "A toast. To...further accomplishments."

Glasses full of dancing bubbles meet between us with a clink.

"And..." Alan adds, "to our future. May it flourish and be as beautiful as the woman before me."


EDIT - The sequel is up now titled Mr Rickman!



Wow, it really felt sad to write 'Epilogue.' I can't believe this story is over. I'm going to miss Alan and Rebecca so much! Thank you again for all your amazing, lovely feedback. It means everything!

Again, thank you sooo very much. This story has been my baby and I've thoroughly enjoyed writing it, and to know that there are people out there that who enjoy it is the greatest feeling. <3

Mr Americano - ALAN RICKMAN  fanficWhere stories live. Discover now