Chapter 18 - Haunted

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[M rating in parts, although really the whole story is rated 'M' so maybe I'll stop adding this disclaimer lol] 

Rebecca and Alan spend their last night in Barcelona. Keep an eye on the small details in this chapter. I don't want to say too much! 

I'm planning on updating this story again in a few days. Happy reading!


Waking up in the arms of this man has become my favourite place in the entire world. It didn't matter that we were in Barcelona. We could be anywhere in the world; the feeling came from a place within, not on a map.

Cuddled into Alan's warm chest, I feel my most content; incredibly lucky we ever crossed paths and that it ever developed to this. Then I remember that I am lying to him.

I shouldn't be here; I know that. Guilt weighs heavily on my heart watching him sleep, studying every inch of his face – the soft curve of his cupid's bow, his aquiline nose and that sexy frown line between his brows that seems less intense now he's relaxed. I'm beyond crazy about him. I daren't speak the word aloud, not yet, not now in this messy situation...but I feel it. I feel it running through my veins, why else would I be watching him sleep, wishing we could stay here in this beautiful place and never return to London to face Scott.

One of Alan's eyes opens, squinting at me.

"Are you planning my murder?" comes his gruff morning voice.

"As a matter of fact I am. Death by sex."

A laugh leaves his nose and he pulls my naked body toward his. Entwining our arms and legs, we kiss as I enjoy ruffling his silvery hair. There's that frown again, squinting at me.

"Do you mind? It's bad enough I have to iron out the creases when I wake without donning the electrocuted look."

"Well you shouldn't be such a fox," I growl.

Alan snorts, scrunching up his eyes as I continue to ruffle.

"What are we doing today?"

"First, you and I are going to take a long shower." The words seem to flow so sexily off his tongue. "Secondly, since we can't possibly visit Barcelona without visiting Sagrada Familia, I thought we'd venture there."


Being only of petite frame, Alan picks me up easily in the shower, my legs looping over his bent arms whilst he holds my backside underneath. He completely enraptures me as we indulge in passionate morning sex, not hurried or urgent, but slow and sexy, savouring every little sensation between us.

As slow and sensual as our sex is, Alan still has my toes curling, moaning and wailing under the hot water, gripping his tensed arms and chest. He takes me there, deep and profound against the slippery wall, my mouth falling open at the thickness of his cock deep in my centre.

"Ugghhhhh-yess" I smile uttering compliments to his size.

"You're bloody filthy, you are. The shower is the best place for you I think," he growls into my neck.

Forget what I said about it being quiet. Not any more.

"I'm sure they love us next door," Alan pants.

"Let them bloody hear," I whine, pulling him tighter.

My whole body falls limp wrapped around his shoulders, nails piercing his skin at the sublime bounce on his cock. Pulses ripple up my centre in wild vibrations and we come hard gasping against each other's faces. He is divinity.



I'm beginning to worry that I haven't heard anything from Scott. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. After all, things have been so much different since he got his promotion. Maybe he's out celebrating, pre-occupied with his friends, too busy to care, worry or control what it is that I'm doing. Maybe it's because I told him I was at my parent's house – he doesn't have to worry about me there.

From the position I'm laying on the bed, I gaze at Alan through the gap in the bathroom door watching him shave, and all my thoughts of Scott disappear. He's wearing a black t- shirt and light chino trousers, so handsome. I think of Isabella, her voice ringing in my ear – you need to tell him the truth! I can't. Not now. Not here.

There is something so captivating watching Alan go about his morning routine and the heady smell of his cologne wafting from the bathroom, that I'm soon up over there with my arms wrapped behind him at the sink. My eyes draw to our reflection in the bathroom mirror, watching him smooth the foam off his face with a razor, and suddenly I'm thinking aloud.

"We look good together, don't you think?"

"More like...what's that gorgeous woman doing with that old bastard."

I nudge him in the back and he gasps holding his face.

"Shit! Oh my god I'm so sorry, let me see..."

Joking, he takes his hand away snorting with laughter and I almost belt him again. The next thing I know, a dollop of shaving cream is plopped on my nose.



Alan and I spend a beautiful day strolling hand in hand in the December sunshine seeing the sights of Barcelona. Being away from London has me feeling like I'm in another dimension as though I'm seeing it all through rose-tinted glasses. I'm still aware in my mind that it'll all end tomorrow when I'm home and have to face Scott and get a grip on reality, but right now I am so absorbed in our moment, the thought gets put on the back burner.

I wonder if we could have a life together, perhaps this will bloom into something long term, beyond sex and dirty weekends away. I imagine Alan and I moving in together, breakfast in bed, snuggled with a book, a movie between endless nights of joyous sex, of course. Oh god, Rebecca. Here's Alan flicking through a tour guide of Sagrada Familia whilst I'm making bloody life plans. Men – they think so differently from us, and Alan strikes me as a 'go-with-the-flow' type. Perhaps he enjoys my company because it seems I'm on the same page. After all, no questions of the future have been mentioned. If Alan thinks I'm adopting the 'go-with-the-flow' type status, then breaking the news of Scott is going to throw a spanner (or ten) in the works, that's for sure.

Alan is about to show me something when from his right a man with a camera interjects. Brown haired, tall and in his mid forties, he looks star struck.

"Dios Mio!" he gasps. "Professor Snape."

Alan, being Alan glances down at his attire and answers, "Not currently, but go on..."

I'm chuckling as the guy proceeds to ask for his autograph and a picture. He thrusts the camera in my hands and asks me to take it, but being the technophobe I am, I am clueless until he shows me how to work it. After snapping a few shots, the man flaps his hand enthusiastically for me to have a picture with Alan.

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