Chapter 3

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Coco, more than anyone, didn't really understand his reasoning for the cold shoulder he gave Pea. Yeah, he may have been a little pissed that he was missing out on a night with his brothers and maybe a blowie if he felt like it, but it's not like it was her fault. Deep down he was kind of happy that Bishop asked him to watch over the girl on his own. He thought it would give him a chance to talk to her, get to know her and maybe figure out why he was so drawn to her. But every passing mile he drove out to her place the knot of nerves in his stomach grew tighter and tighter until he thought he might be sick. So, he did what he thought was best. Ignored her and treated her like shit so he wouldn't have to face how anxious she made him. And he could avoid her eventually realising how much of a piece of shit he was. Or he thought he was anyway. He sat on his bike, smoking his cigarette and watching the bay horse on the round yards a little ways away from the house pace slowly as the night grew colder. He knew he should have just gotten his shit together, not been such an ass so he could least take up her offer of the couch. But he had fucked up, and knew he had to spend the night out in the yard, or else face the situation he had landed himself in.

Angel walked into templo, a beer in hand, as he saw Bishop, sat at the table with a cigarette. "You wanted to talk to me?" Angel asked. Bishop turned his gaze towards him, before modding his head in the direction of the seat next to him, indicating he wanted Angel to sit. "Anything going on with Coco that we need to know?" Bishop questioned. Angel raised an eyebrow, looking away briefly before shrugging. "Mmm I don't think so Bish. I know he's still adjusting to having Letty in his life, and the uh... disappearance of his mom but... he's just the usual elusive Coco I guess." Bishop pursed his lips as he mulled over what Angel had said. Bishop had noticed, and been informed by other members, that since they had made the deal with Pea that Coco had been a little out of sorts – even more than usual. It made Bishop curious; was it Pea specifically that had thrown off Coco's axis? Or the fact that they had gone to someone outside of the club and its usually dealings for help? Either way it put Bishop on edge. An unhinged member whilst they were at a period of uncertainty within the club and it's "business" partners like they were at the moment never ended well. Club history proved that. "I'm gonna have him take time off some club stuff. Specifically, the H trade. Don't mind him going on runs and deliveries. But might keep him away from the stocks for a while. Keep him busy in the yard," Bishop murmured. If Angel thought of arguing or asking why, he didn't say anything. Instead he nodded, got up and left. Bishop was already exhausted from the deal he had made with Pea. Firstly, with dragging her into the same mess that had nearly killed her – which made him feel sick with guilt - and then lying to her about exactly what they had stocked on her property, to now this Coco situation. Shaking his head, he got up intending on grabbing a beer and perhaps finding someone to warm his bed that evening.

Pea grunted as she tipped the bag of potting mix into the makeshift garden bed, flipping EZ off as he laughed at her struggle. "You know," he started, "I did offer to help." She poked her tongue out at him before grabbing the packets of seeds from her basket. "I was perfectly capable of doing things myself around here before Obispo set you onto me like some guard dog. What makes you think that's changed now?" she asked with a smirk and a cocked eyebrow. EZ laughed as he took as seat on the steps of Pea's front porch and watched her start to plant the seeds. "A veggie garden, so I can avoid going into Santo Padre more than I care to," she had told EZ. He wanted to push her on what she meant but decided against it. He chalked it up to her not wanted to have to drive, especially since it seemed she had car problems. "So, Penelope, how do you know Bishop?" He saw her visibly freeze up before she continued planting. "Well, I uh... met him through Taza," she answered meekly. "And how do you know Taza?" EZ probed. Meeting his eyes, she let out a sigh, realising he probably wasn't going to let up. "He was a friend of my mothers," she said, avoiding EZ's eyes. That seemed to appease him as he didn't say or ask anything else. After a few minutes had passed Pea looked up and asked, "what's the go with that Coco guy?" It was EZs turn to cock an eyebrow and smirk. "He's just Coco. Sort of hard to elaborate on the kind of guy he is. Why's that?" She felt her face heat up, looking back down at her work hoping EZ hadn't noticed. "Just seems like a bit of a dick is all." A look of confusion passed over EZs face – that wasn't what he was expecting. He had assumed that Coco had been attracted to her – his weird behaviour since learning of her existence being an indicator – and so when he had left the evening before and Coco had taken over his "bodyguard" shift he thought they would probably get to know each other. Maybe more. And that Pea had asked because she genuinely wanted to know more about him. He knew Coco could be an ass, but this was not the time he expected that streak to come out.

EZ stood as the sound of a motorbike approached, and he noticed Pea's head whip in the direction of the bike too. She secretly hoped it was Coco again. Despite how he had made her feel the previous evening, as she tossed and turned trying to go to sleep, she had made it her personal mission to crack his cold exterior. Regardless of how attracted she was to him she wanted to just know more about him anyway. She was disappointed however when she realised it wasn't Coco and was in fact the taller Mayan, with the swept back hair and beard who had smirked at her the night Bishop had come and asked for her help. "Prospect," he called to EZ, "Bishop wants you back at the clubhouse, there's a party tonight. I'll be on watch duty." He smiled at Pea, which she returned hesitantly. EZ waved to her before speeding off leaving her standing facing the man she was yet to know the name of. "I'm Angel," he said, as if sensing what she was thinking. "Well Angel, I need a beer. You want one?" Angel chucked. "Well how can I possibly not take you up on that offer."    

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