Chapter 10

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"What do you want Nestor?" Pea huffed out, jamming her key into the lock and pushing the door open. "He's looking for you Penelope," Nestors' voice came through the receiver. Pea froze as she placed her keys on her kitchen counter. "Is that some sort of threat?" she ground out. She heard him sigh on the other end of the phone. "No. More of a warning." "Well I don't think I have anything to worry about unless you've told him where I am." "I haven't told him a thing Pea. But you have to remember, my life is on the line here too." She groaned and rubbed a hand over her forehead. "Nestor he wouldn't hurt you." "You've seen what he's capable of. Anyway, I just wanted to give you a heads up." "Yeah thanks Nestor you're a real peach." The line went dead just as Pea heard the sound of a motorbike rumbling up her driveway. She poked her head out the door and waved as Creeper made his way up the stairs.

"Hey feel free to crash on the couch, I think I'm just gonna wash up and head to bed. Been a long day." Creeper laughed as he sat on her lounge. "Coco been wearing you out huh?" Pea's skin began to warm up and she rolled her eyes at him. "Wouldn't be any of your business if he was." He chuckled again as she walked out of the room. Pea couldn't concentrate as she showered. She'd accidentally conditioned before she shampooed and had put her face wash on her loofah instead of her shower gel. She dried herself and dressed in her pyjamas before checking the windows in her bedroom were locked. She walked out through the loungeroom to the front door, double checking she had enabled the deadlock and the chain lock. "Something worrying you?" Creeper asked. She turned and looked at him, putting on a smile and shaking her head. "Nope... Just double checking. Been a bit distracted lately so..." Creeper smirked at her and she rolled her eyes again. "Get your mind out of the gutter Creeper."

Pea didn't sleep much, her ears unable to tune out any small sound outside her bedroom window. She felt as if she had nodded off for only a few moments before she heard her front door slam. She sat bolt upright, the dim light of dawn breaking through her flimsy curtains. She leant over and grabbed her piece from her night stand. She kept the safety on but her finger wasn't far from it as she crept out of her room. Creeper wasn't on the couch where she had left him, and her heart sank. It was too early for him to leave as per Bishops instructions. She tiptoed towards the kitchen. Suddenly there was a loud crashing as someone dropped a glass. Pea froze on the spot, her finger hovering over the safety. "Fuck." She let out the breath she was holding and her shoulders dropped when she recognised the voice. She walked slowly into the kitchen, her heart slowing down and then racing back up again when she realised it was Coco who had been the source of the noises.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice only just above a whisper. Coco spun around, his eyes wide. He smiled as he took her in before his eyes settled on the gun in her hand, his eyebrows pulling together. "Everything alright carino? Didn't mean to scare you," he walked towards her and gently pried the gun from her hands, setting it on the counter. "Yeah sorry I just... got startled I guess. What are you doing here? And where's Creeper?" He smiled and leant in, pressing a kiss against her warm cheek, breathing in her scent. "I sent him back to the clubhouse, wanted to spend as much time with you as I could I suppose." She felt herself becoming bashful under his gaze. "Really?" "Yeah. Didn't mean to wake you up so early though, wanted you to have a sleep in," he gently ran the back of his pointer finger over her cheek. His eyes roamed downwards over her body, taking in her attire. She was in a pair of sleep shorts and a matching tank top with no bra underneath, her nipples had hardened when she had left the warm confines of her bed and Coco felt his pants starting to tighten a little.

Pea didn't feel uncomfortable under his gaze, and she couldn't help the shiver run through her body as his dark eyes drank her in. His hands slipped lower from her waist to her ass, kneading the supple flesh, and Pea could hear his breathing starting to quicken as her matched. She gripped the lapel of his kutte and moved in to kiss him. She stopped herself short, suddenly awfully self aware of her morning breath and the sleep in her eyes. She was comfortable around Coco sure but she was still a little self conscious. She cleared her throat and moved her hands to grasp his upper arms, pushing herself to stand a little further from him. A hint of hurt passed over Coco's face and she sighed. "Sorry I just... I'm going to have a shower and I'll be out in a minute. I can cook us breakfast if you want." Coco smiled and nodded, dropping his arms from her waist.

They spent the morning eating breakfast at her small dining table, making small talk and laughing as Coco told her about the latest antics that he, Angel, Gilly and EZ had gotten up to. Then they spent the day in her yard. He sat quietly as she groomed Echo and lunged him. He sat with Rajah on his lap as she tended to her vegetable gardens. They sat down on her front porch and ate a late lunch, both of them catching the other staring every now and again, both of them laughing softly each time. "So do you have any other family around here or is it just you and Leticia?" Coco stopped chewing for a moment, looking down at his now empty plate. "Nah, I mean I got my two other kids but.. they ain't around. Don't know my dad. Got two sisters but don't have much to do with them. And my mom..." he swallowed thickly and looked out over the yard. "She ain't around no more either. Outside of Letty it's pretty much the club." Pea only nodded, her mouth pulling into a tight smile. She stood and took his plate before moving inside.

Coco sighed. He wasn't sure yet just how honest he should be with Pea. He knew she had been comfortable to share with him what she didn't share with anyone but there was still something in his stomach holding him back. He turned to look at her as she walked back out of the house, the sun on her copper skin and her smile reaching her eyes, making his heart beat rapidly beneath his skin. He adored her, and she had trauma, like him. Sure he was surrounded by people who had been through what he had, even worse. But he had never been affected by someone – much less a woman – the way she affected him. She placed her hand in his and entwined their fingers. "Take me for a ride?" she had a mischievous look in her eye and Coco's jaw nearly fell slack at her words. She laughed at him and jerked her head towards his bike. He laughed and scratched the back of his neck before he stood up and lead her towards his bike. He strapped his helmet over her head. "You look cute baby." She scrunched her face up at him and he laughed, pecking the tip of her nose affectionately.

He swung his leg over and started the bike, the roar of the engine causing Pea to jump. He laughed again and patted the seat behind him. She hopped on and wrapped her arms around his waist, her chin resting against his shoulder as she breathed him in. They rode down the highway into Santo Padre. Pea couldn't even feel anxious like she usually did when she drove towards town. With Coco her worries almost seemed to melt away completely. They cruised the streets for twenty minutes before he drove towards the city borders. They arrived back at her house as the sun set. They both got off the bike and moved into her house silently. "You can take a shower if you'd like, there's a second bathroom down the hall. I'll take one in the ensuite," she told him as she handed him a towel from the linen cabinet. He nodded and shook off his kutte, laying it over the arm of her couch before walking down the hallway. Pea walked into the ensuite and stripped before she stood in front of the mirror. She looked herself in the eye before she huffed out a laugh. "Oh my god. I think I'm gonna sleep with him." She grinned and her face began to feel warm. "I am definitely going to sleep with him." She took her time in the shower, using her favourite soaps and making herself feel her best. She got out and dried before she put on a set of silk sleep shorts and a matching think tank top, forgoing any underwear or a bra. She hoped Coco wouldn't think she was cheap but she had a feeling he probably wouldn't mind.

Slowly she walked out of her bedroom into the lounge room where Coco sat. He was on his phone, engrossed in whatever was lighting up the screen and he didn't realise she had entered the room. She cleared her throat and he looked up at her quickly before looking back at his phone. Suddenly he did a double take and the phone slid from his hands, thudding softly against the carpeted floor. He stood and slowly stalked towards her, his eyes raking up and down her body. "Is this all for me querida?" he asked softly, standing before her and playing with one of the straps of her tank top. She nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. He moved forward and placed a gentle kiss against her collarbone, smirking as she shifted beneath him, a tiny whimper growing in the back of her throat. He smiled and placed his lips against hers in a searing kiss that nearly caused her legs to buckle underneath her. He pulled away and placed his forehead against hers, breathing heavily. "Are you sure mami?" She moaned at the pet name and grasped his hand in hers, tugging him towards her room. "Show me what you're made of Cruz."

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