Chapter 5

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Coco didn't know what to do with himself. Here he was, sat on the small couch in Pea's home, his hands fidgeting in his lap, eyes sweeping over the room as he took in her house, noting all of the little things she owned that made her who she was. An oddly shaped vase that sat on the shelves in the corner of the lounge room filled with dried lavender. The single picture frame below it holding a photo of a younger girl being held between a man and a woman, their faces all split with grins. The old record player that sat near the entrance to the kitchen, a layer of dust indicating it hadn't been used in some time. He still had no clue what to think of this woman who had peaked so much interest in him. He knew her name. That was it. Didn't know her age, certainly didn't know her relation to the club. Didn't know if she had family. If she had friends. And yet, she seemed to have a vice grip on him and he couldn't get her out of his head. He turned and watched as she walked out of the kitchen, her eyes cast downwards as she balanced two cups of coffee and an ashtray in her hands, his heart racing as she came closer to him.

She smiled, placing the items down on the coffee table before turning back to go to the kitchen. Coco could feel his heart beat in his ears. Why the hell did she make him so nervous? She returned, a plate of finger food from the oven in one hand and a pack of Newport Smooth Selects and a lighter in the other. She placed the plate on the table as well, before taking a seat and lighting up a cigarette, trying to ignore the quickening of her pulse as she noticed Coco watching her. Exhaling, she cleared her throat. "Not sure if you were hungry," she nodded her head towards the plate. He shrugged, leaning forward to get his own smokes off the table before lighting one. "Thanks," he mumbled. A tense silence settled over them as they both sat there smoking, avoiding each other's eyes.

Bishop sat at the table in Templo, a cigarette in one hand and his chin resting in the other. He looked up as the door opened, Taza making his way into the room and taking a seat next to the president. "I know you feel guilty," Taza started. "But she had the choice to say no." Bishop nodded slowly, his eyes going back to rest on the surface on the table. "I know. Still," he sighed, rubbing his temple. "I shouldn't have even asked." Taza grunted in response, taking a pull from his beer. "Didn't have much of a choice brother," he noted. "You know it's probably the safest place. She has no other ties to any of our other business ventures. They don't even know of her existence." Bishop scrunched his face up, stubbing out his cigarette in the ashtray with a little too much force. "This is the shit that caused her to lose everything hermano," he ground out through gritted teeth. "Her... situation... it's on us," his voice strained with remorse. "I don't understand why you don't hate me more," Bishop muttered. Taza sighed shaking his head. "I don't hate you at all Bishop," he replied. "Because it wasn't your fault. None of this is your fault. I've never thought that. None of us do. Penelope certainly doesn't. You did what you had to do. What you thought was best for the club." Bishop only nodded, taking out another smoke and lighting it. "A child shouldn't have to grow up with their parents," Bishop said. Taza nodded. "No, they shouldn't," he agreed. "But she did. And now she is the strongest woman we both know." Taza stood from his chair and clapped Bishop on the shoulder and walked towards the templo door, pausing to look back at his friend. He shook his head before turning back to the door and walking out, knowing that nothing he said would make Bishop feel any better.

"So, Coco stayed the night last night huh?" Angel smirked as Pea brushed over Echo, the horse nudging her with his nose every time she walked past his head. Pea's face started to heat up and she rolled her eyes. "Shut up god you always make everything into something it isn't." Angel laughed as he watched her become flustered. "Did you two actually talk to each other?" he quirked an eyebrow. "Well... I guess so," Pea replied. Angel blinked slowly, trying to understand what she meant. She blushed again under his gaze, moving to the other side of her horse so he couldn't see her face. "So I'm assuming that means either you didn't talk at all because you're both pussy's or you didn't talk at all cause you's actually did something about that sexual tension and talking wasn't exactly on the cards," he noted. She pulled a face, throwing the soft brush at him and hitting him in the chest. "Must everything be sexual with you," she blurted out. He laughed at her outburst. "I only do it cause you react like this you know," he said. "You're gonna have to make the first move," he stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Who said anyone has to make any sort of moves?" she questioned. Angel scoffed at her, almost frustrated. "You two are just as bad as each other I swear. What would be so bad about attempting to get to know him at least?" Pea looked down as she removed the halter from Echo, pushing him away gently as he rubbed his head along her arm. "Can we just drop it Angel? I don't want to talk about this anymore," she exclaimed. He held his hands up in surrender as the girl walked out of the round yards towards him. He rested his hands on her shoulders as he reached him. "I'm sorry. I won't say anymore," she nodded in thanks before walking towards the house. "C'mon Angel, you can come tell me more about why you're being a little bitch and avoiding EZ." Angel groaned, almost regretting ever telling her that he had beef with his little brother.

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