Chapter 11

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Pea sighed as she tried to catch her breath, pulling the sheet up under her armpits to cover her chest as she glanced over at Coco who was looking at the ceiling with a small smile on his face. The room was silent for a few moments before Pea spoke up. "That was... really really good," she huffed out a laugh, holding a hand over her thumping heart. Coco grinned and rolled onto his side to face her, reaching his hand out to gently stroke the humid skin of her cheek. She closed her eyes and breathed in as she melted into his touch. "It was for me too baby." She smiled and rolled to face him. "So, you know... I know we have just been casual about this whole... scenario but-". Pea diverted her eyes and swallowed thickly. Coco shifted, his skin starting to prickle uncomfortably. He knew this conversation would come up eventually, but he wasn't expecting it to come up so soon and he certainly wasn't expecting Pea to bring it up after they had had sex.

"I don't know I just really like you and I think you like me too?" she smiled softly at him and Coco felt his chest tighten. Of course, he liked her. But he couldn't do relationships. He never did relationships. So maybe he didn't believe in fuck ups he knew everything happened for a reason but... there was no way someone – especially someone as sweet as Pea – could deal having a relationship with someone like him. Someone with his amount of PTSD and family shit. Sure, she was scarred like him but... she was still sweet and pure and... not someone who could stick by Coco through his shit. And not someone he would drag down with hi. Not in his mind anyway. He gulped and sat up, the sheet pooling at his waist. "I just thought... this would stay as it is for a while," he mumbled as his hands fidgeted in his lap. Pea sat up; her brow furrowed as she tried to read his expression.

"I wasn't saying we should get married or anything I was just saying... I don't know. Maybe grab a bite to eat some time and get to know each other more." Coco felt his skin starting to warm up, his irritation rising the more she spoke. He knew it was just his defence mechanism when he knew he was going to be called out on his bullshit, but he couldn't help it. "Well maybe that shit would have happened on its own if you hadn't been so fucking pushy about it," he spat. Pea sat back; her eyes wide at his sudden outburst. "What the hell Coco? I wasn't being pushy, if you're not feeling it or not ready then just say so." Her heart was thundering beneath her chest. How had this conversation turned so sour so suddenly? Coco stood suddenly, his fight or flight kicking in as he realised, he had probably gone too far to salvage this and explain himself, his anger taking over before he could even stop himself. He hastily pulled on his jeans. "Yeah well, I'm not feeling it, is that what you wanted to hear? I just wanted this," he gestured at the bed and Pea who was still naked in it as he yanked on his shirt and cut. "That's all. And now I'm good so thanks but... this is all it was."

Coco stormed out of the room leaving Pea in her bed clutching the sheets to her chest still. She flinched as she heard the front door slam and Coco's bike start up before it drove down her driveway. She stood from the bed; her mind seemingly numb after what had just happened. She grabbed her pyjamas from the foot of the bed and threw them in the hamper before she grabbed some warmer cosier ones from the drawers and moved to the bathroom, the urge to scrub herself clean suddenly overwhelming. After she had washed her hair and was halfway through cleaning herself with her loofah when the realisation of what had just happened hit her. Her stomach flipped unpleasantly, and her chest tightened as she released a sob she wasn't even aware she was holding in. She dropped the loofah as she sank to her knees, the wave of humiliation and sadness washing over her as she curled into herself.

The water ran cold and she crawled out of the shower, slowly drying herself and dressing as she replayed the conversation in her mind. Slowly her sadness turned to anger and confusion as she repeated his words in her head over and over again. First of all, if what Coco said was true then who the hell did he think he was to treat her like that and use her like that. But if he was doing this as some sort of defence mechanism because of something deeper then she was angry that he didn't feel like he could at least tell her that. She stormed into the kitchen and grabbed her phone from the counter, opening it and going to her messages and opening Bishops contact. "I'm not being your storage unit anymore," she typed furiously. "Come and get your shit tomorrow. I expect it to be gone by tomorrow afternoon." She hit send and locked her phone before she placed it on the counter. She sighed as she felt tears spring to her eyes again. She turned to get a tissue but before she could she felt a blow to her head and heard the sound of glass breaking. And suddenly her world went dark.

Bishop looked over Pea's message with his brow furrowed, his thoughts running a mile a minute. Suddenly he heard Coco's bike enter the yard and he grimaced before stalking off the porch to where he parked, his sudden actions gaining the attention of Taza. "The fuck did you do?" Bishop snarled as he backed Coco up against on the posts that held the parking shelter up. "Woah Prez what the fuck?" Bishop shoved his phone in Cocos face as Taza approached them. "She sends me this shit and then you turn up here? Before you're due to knock off from protection?" Coco felt his anxiety peak as he read her message. He hadn't even thought of the consequences his actions would have against the club's business with Pea. "I swear jefe, we just had a little disagreement that's it-" Bishop scoffed and smacked Coco upside the head. "Your little disagreement just cost the whole club pendejo." Bishop turned to walk back towards the clubhouse, pressing on Pea's contact to call her. The phone rang out and Bishop frowned. He tried a few more times but still no answer. He tried not to overthink things, but he still had a strange feeling about the situation.

He whistled to catch Angel's attention. "Angel... take the Prospect out to Pea's. Make sure she's okay." Angel nodded and put his cigarette out before he and EZ made their way to their bikes, Angel just giving Coco a tight-lipped smile as he passed him. Angel and EZ drove out to Pea's, both of them unsure what to expect, or what the story of her and Coco's 'little disagreement'. They pulled up in the dark front yard of Pea's place and walked up the steps. Suddenly, EZs hand shot out and hit Angel on the stomach to stop him. Angel turned to cuss his brother out but saw EZ pointing at the door. Angel strained his eyes as he looked, the moon being his only source of light. And then he saw what EZ saw. The door was slightly ajar. It wasn't damaged like it had been kicked in, but it was open, something Pea would never do. They both pulled their pieces out of their kuttes and entered the house. They searched the house but could find no sign of Pea. EZ entered the kitchen and stopped in his tracks at what he saw. "Angel," he called out. "Come see this." Angel entered the kitchen and followed EZs eyesight, sighing when he saw the broken glass on the ground, some of its pieces bloody. He pulled out his phone and called Bishop. "Yeah hey Prez. She's not here."

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