Harry's Pov
Niall runs out of the car quickly and then into the building. I feel hurt, I thought we were good. He said we were, I forgave him for what he said. I really do, but I can't forget the words he said. Saying how I'll be lonely forever and should just leave the band. A part of me knows he was saying this out of anger and didn't mean any of it, but the other part knows that he could just make those things up on the spot, that he's thought of those things before, especially the part with calling me a- a.... a fag. God I can barley even think the word. So with this thought in mind I don't blame him for running. I'd run to, I wouldn't want to be seen this someone like me.
I get out of the car since I noticed that the driver was getting inpatient with me staying for so long. I don't know where any of the boys we at so I just wandered the halls trying to find them. After about going through 3 different halls I see Louis getting his hair done. I walk into the room and find Liam getting snowed his outfits for the the shoot and Zayn on the couch texting someone. But where's Niall, I walk over the Louis and ask him.
"Oh, ummmm I don't know. He was in here a few minutes ago, he might have headed to the bathroom. It's left down the hall then 2 doors down on the right."
"K thanks," I reply and leave the room going to find Niall. Even though I'm still a little upset with him he did look upset when he ran out of the car so I need to see if he's alright, I mean I'm not the only being affected by the kiss. I turn left like Louis said and count 2 doors till I find the bathroom. I push open the door and look down to see if there's anyone in one of the stalls. I walk to the first stall and see nothing. I sigh and go into the stall realizing that I need to go to the bathroom. I lock the stall when I here a girly giggle and the bathroom door open. I stand on the toilet so my feet can't be seen.
I hear a man and a woman's voice, I can hear them kissing and letting out small moans. I hear someone being pushed into the sinks and I look through the small crack in the stall. I see a blond girl on the sink with her arms wrapped around a blond boy kissing him intensely. My heart breaks when see who the boy is, Niall. The girl puts her legs around him and kisses down his neck, he lets out a small moan causing her to kiss him father. They then switch and he kisses down her neck. I look away and sit on the toilet making sure my feet don't show.
I feel myself start to cry. I feel a tear roll down my check and to my mouth. How am I ever going to get over Niall. It's so wrong that I love my best mate. But I can't help it, his blue eyes and his amazing laugh, his smile that lights up the room. Everything about him is perfect, why would he ever love me. I'm meh, I'm boring. He's right when he said I should leave the band. I would but I can't because of management. Plus my mom depends on this job I have, I depend on it. I look at my phone and see that the photo shoot is about to start and I haven't even gotten my hair done yet.
I get off the toilet and walk about of the stall, I feel both of their eyes on me and can see that both of their mouths are open but Ignore them, I wash my hands next to them even though I never even got to use the bathroom and leave the room hearing Niall calling my name from behind me.

The Good times (Narry)
RomantikHarry has always loved Niall. Ever since the X factor. How could you not Niall was perfect. So what happens when they share a kiss from a clumsy accident, will this affect there friendship, will they never talk again. In this story you'll read the...