Chapter 34

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Nialls Pov

I can't stop thinking about Harry, it's been a little since he left to go and talk to Piper and we've heard nothing from him. What if she killed him?! No that can't be, I can't live without my Harry. Without him knowing.

I leave my room to look for Harry, I decide it's best to look in his room first. When I get near it I hear someone crying, I open the door and head towards the noise. Then I see Harry on the ground, with blood all around him. I quickly run to him and wrap my arms around his body. I tell him it's okay and he yells.

"No, no it's not!"

"Harry give my the razor, please." He keeps trying to cut himself and I use all my power to keep him hand away from his arm.

"Harry now!" Then I get the razor from him and he reaches for it.

"Please I need it, it would be better if I wasn't here, everything's happening because of me!"

I look at him with sad eyes and feel tears falling down my face.

"Harry, that's not true."

"Yes it is, Piper told me!"

"And you believed her?"

"Yes, because she's the only ones who's been straight to me, all of you guys lie, she doesn't!"

"What do you mean Harry." 

Harry doesn't say anything for a little bit, I can hear him swallow before speaking again.

"I remember that night, I remember everything you said to me. I remember the words like they've been carved into my skin. And that's because they have!" He shows me his scars, "All of this is because of the words you said, the words I've been thinking for years and you determined them. That they're true!" Harry looks away from me.


"Don't! Just leave."

"I'm not-"

"Just leave!" Harry pushes me back.

I think about leaving for a second but I don't, I just stay quiet and watch Harry cry. I think he must of thought I left because when I start to speak again he jumps a little.

"Harry, I remember that night too. I remember it very clearly. I remember speaking and not being able to stop. I remember hearing things that I wasn't expecting. I remember regretting ever word I was saying the second after I said it, but I could stop. I couldn't stop because I spent years telling myself that it was wrong. Wrong to love your band mate."

Harry looks at me again, "why would you need to tell yourself that?"

I look at him straight in the eyes, I have butterflies in my stomach.

"Because I love you! I've loved you since the first day at boot camp. I've loved every smile, laugh, every moment we've shared since that day. And I thought you loved me then, but when I saw you and Louis and decided not. And since then I forced myself to like woman, not like you. And I did such a good job at that I convinced myself that I didn't like you. When I really did, the whole time. I loved you and I'm sor-"

I get cut off my Harry's lips. I wrap my arms around him and he puts him hands on my face. Everything around us disappears, every noise from outside is now gone. It's just us, in this moment. His lips are soft, but not like a girls, they have a little roughness to them. We stay like this for a little then he pulls away and looks at the ground.

"I love you Harry." I whisper.

I can see a small smile form onto Harry's lips. Then he looks back up to me and I can see it.

"I love you too."

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