Harry's Pov
I run back to my room with tears on my face, all I wanted was to see is Liam could give me me beanie back that I gave him a few days ago. That's all I wanted, but what I got was so so much worse. I knew Niall hates me, I knew that he though that I was a man whore. I knew it! And it hurts so much, he lied to me. He lied to my face saying it was a lie, that he loved me. Clearly that's not true.
When I get into my room I quickly shove all my cloths that I took out into my suitcase and replace them with small razor I had in there. I zip up my suitcase and throw it to the ground. I know Pipers going to get here soon but I have time. I need this, every muscle in my body is telling me that I need to. So I go into the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I slowly sit down against the door and make a new cut to my wrist. I watch as new blood slowly comes out of my wrist and onto the bathroom tile. The pain I feel isn't pain, it's freedom. This is the control I have in my life now, I can't seem to take these feelings I have for Niall away, not yet at least. I have I no control of them at the moment, but till I do this is enough. This sensation I'm feeling is great, so I make 2 more cuts when I clean the razor and the blood off the ground. I clean my new cuts and wrap them in bandages. The only downside to dong this is that now I have to wear long sleeved shirts.
Thank the lord that Piper doesn't really pay attention when we're having sex. Since she hasn't noticed the cut on my arms and stomach. I'll just come up with an excuse if she sees them, but my guess is that she won't. She's a nice girl, but not always the brightest.
I leave the bathroom just as my room door opens and there pops in Liam.
"Hey dude, heard that Pipers going on the rest of tour with us, ummm, that's cool. But I wanted to tell you that the other boys and I decided to keep a close watch on you, and make it so you don't get a hotel room alone. You know why, we just want to make sure you're safe." He says.
Fear comes into my system, all the boys and Liam. So that means Niall! Did they tell him?! No they wouldn't have, the promised me!
Liam must have seen my fear since he then says, "Calm down, just Louis, Zayn and I. We didn't tell Niall anything." I let out a nervous laugh and nod.
"Good, I was worried there for a sec, but about that, Piper will be sharing a room with me and will be with me most of the time, so you boys don't have to babysit me, I'm a adult you know."
"I know, but we care about you and want you to be safe, it's good that Piper will be with you. But there is one thing that I'm going to do everyday starting now."
"What." I ask now confused. Liam looks at me with a sad expression.
"Checking your body for new cuts."
That's when my heart drops.
Authors Note
Thank you guys for voting, keep it up. And please comment! I love seeing what you guys think. Just wanted to quickly say one thing(haha) I never really reread what I wrote before posting it, and I type really fast and have terrible grammar and spelling skills so that's probably why there's a lot in each chapter. I try to fix the ones I catch but I know there's a lot more then I see 😂 Go check out my other story. We just hit 300 reads on this one so thank you for that!

The Good times (Narry)
RomanceHarry has always loved Niall. Ever since the X factor. How could you not Niall was perfect. So what happens when they share a kiss from a clumsy accident, will this affect there friendship, will they never talk again. In this story you'll read the...